Umarex Cheek riser for notos?

Anyone put a cheek riser on the stock notos? Is there any cheek raiser that will fit on the stock notos? Didn't want to purchase a new magpul stock and cheek rise. Was wondering if I can just purchase an cheek riser and use on the stock notos. Let me know if the one of the magpul will fit or any out there will fit on stock notos.


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Idk about one for stock Notos stock but you could try these
those looks like peice of normal black foam place on top of the wood stock. Doesn't look nice imo. I like the look of the cheek riser on the magpul but not sure if it would line up with the notches on the stock notos. If anyone have the cheek riser for the magpul and test to see if it fits on the notos stock would be nice.
those looks like peice of normal black foam place on top of the wood stock. Doesn't look nice imo. I like the look of the cheek riser on the magpul but not sure if it would line up with the notches on the stock notos. If anyone have the cheek riser for the magpul and test to see if it fits on the notos stock would be nice.
Yeah It wouldn't look good was just suggesting something. I got the Buck Rail Notos adapter kit which uses AR buffer and whatever stock you want. I used this for riser on normal ar stock