N/A Donnyfl yokozuna vs huma-air mod30-3/0

Made a post a few days ago. After watching some videos and doing more research. I think I've narrowed it down to 2. Donnyfl yokozuna and or huma-air mod30-3/0 < the old model not avalanche.
Going on a air venturi avenge-x .25cal.
Will be shooting pellets and slugs obviously will have to tune for both . I know on the donnys you go up a size up.
I did read up onsome moderators using the same size as the caliber cause clipping when running slugs is my only worry about the mod30. i Watched Steve with AEAC youtube tuning guide run the yokozuna pretty flawless with both slugs and pellets.
The yokozuna is onsale atm for 157$ shipped .
Mod30 found for 117 shipped.
Input welcome!