N/A Market Value of a IZH 46M?

fair price to the buyer or seller
the prices have gone up on the IZH to as much as 1000.00 with shipping but many others in the 750.00 to 900.00 and two years ago they were 550.00 to 600.00
the buyers are running up the price not the seller they are just collecting the rewards
now are the AV the same quality in pictures i would say no but i have never had one to compare side by side in person
so if you are looking you need to be patient two on Ebay just sold for under 600.00 both in my thinking were very good deals
fair price to buy 550.00 to 650.00 to sell outright no auction 700.00 to 800.00 and why, that is what the market it paying and if a buyer will pay that put the money in your pocket and be happy
many of the people here like myself paid less than 300.00 for ours and is it wrong to make a profit not to me see if someone will sell you a 67 Corvette for 4000.00 today
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I have one of each, both a little less than two years old. Metalwork , I do not see any difference, I do like the beech stock on the IZH better than the red black laminate, which I ended up replacing with a set of custom Rink grips. First the little pad on the cocking lever split, when I was taking it out of my storage case, then I noticed a spot on the main body groove where the palmrest is adjusted had split.

There was plenty of wood on the IZH grips which are rather blocky, but I found that to be an advantage, Over a couple of weeks I rounded sharp edges and created some finger grooves where my fingers wrap around the grip, I went slow and made it fit my hand perfectly.

I got the AV from Pyramid air and the IZH from I think Canada air gun before they got scarce and prices ran up. They fit so well and shoot so good I would not take $1000 for either, basically two of eight out of about 20 that I would not sell at all.
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@groak , I am now the owner of that very IZH/AV-46M that you linked. I couldn't find enough "good" information about the Alpha Project or the Hammerili AP20 to convince me that either of those PCPs would give me any more satisfaction than a 46M at my stage in life and ability. Also the 46M seller on Target Talk is a moderator of the Olympic Pistol forum. It also came with a set of Rink grips plus the OEM grips. I also ordered the aftermarket trigger.

Other air pistols I considered were the Reximex RP and almost bit on a used Steyr LP50, but was too late with my decision to buy the Steyr. Not only was the Reximex late in delivery to the vendor but that the Reximex magazines had some problem that the vendor informed me of so I cancelled my Reximex order.
Maybe this time next year I'll be selling an AV-46M to help fund a new Steyr Evo (maybe a 10E), but I doubt it. It is remarkable how many serious and wanna be serious shooters use the Steyr Evo. If I were younger.... The Evo is cheaper than a bass boat:)
They are fun pistols. Remember to fully latch the breech before each shot. It is a positive locking mechanism; but it is possible to not fully engage it if you are not paying attention. Sometimes the breech seals fly off, if it is not latched.

I do think Air Venturi modified the breech seals and their mount to prevent this, though. So that is one way an AV-46M could be considered superior to the IZH-46M
A terrific waste of money to shoot a monthly IHMSA silhouette shoot with or the occasional 10M paper fun shoot with, but, it sure is a lot of fun !

Steyr pic 1.jpg
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