N/A 55-60fpe compact .22

FX Maverick Compact 700mm would be my choice or a Wildcat/Impact compact 700mm.

ETA: I thought this was 25Cal so to meet your fpe requirements in 22Cal you would be better off with the longer 700mm versions on the FX platforms. They are about 915mm/36" long not including a moderator for the Wildcat or Maverick. The VP 600mm versions are 800mm/31.5" long.
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Looking for suggestions on a lightweight (sub 7lb unscoped), compact (sub 34” w/o moderator) .22 cal pcp that can do 55-60fpe fairly comfortably (not maxed out).
Experiences and thoughts?

Are there any specific other things you're looking for… I've seen a few threads start like this with a very general request but then it turns out there are some very specific things that people are looking for like traditional style, removable magazines, bottle versus cylinder, semi auto vs single shot etc..

Are you looking for anything that's 22 caliber, compact, and meets the power specs? Or are there other preferences?
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Good point MrP.
I generally prefer traditional rifle style, have a Crown mk2 500mm that is a great size. Wanting to try something more powerful to reach out further. Paper puncher. Multi-shot preferred, no semi.

I am curious if people are actually getting around 60fpe out of some of these compacts with 500ish mm barrels on stock guns.
Likely need to go bullpup to keep length down.
Good point MrP.
I generally prefer traditional rifle style, have a Crown mk2 500mm that is a great size. Wanting to try something more powerful to reach out further. Paper puncher. Multi-shot preferred, no semi.

I am curious if people are actually getting around 60fpe out of some of these compacts with 500ish mm barrels on stock guns.
Likely need to go bullpup to keep length down.
The Maverick/Wildcat or M4 compact can crank out 70+ fpe easily even with 500mm barrel in .22, as long as you have heavier hammer to go with higher reg pressure in 140 to 170 bar, but it's easier to get there with .25 or .30 if you need high FPE.
that is shooting a 25.39 gr projectile @ 980 fps. In a compact? I think you are better off getting a bull pup with a 600mm barrel to shorten the gun.
My 600mm Impact is shooting just shy of 58.5 fpe with 27.5 gr slugs and it took a new heavier hammer to do it. The Impact is about spent @ 145 - 150 bar without an aftermarket hammer. An Impact with a 500mm barrel is gonna be tough even shooting pellets which require less air.
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Also take into consideration the action noise level when using bullpups like Maverick/Wildcat well above 60fpe in .22, the hammer and spring action is right next to your ear and cheek when it's smashing the valve at full force, it could feel and sound quite violent and nerve wrecking. 😅

60 FPE isn't exactly backyard friendly as well in a suburb type neighborhood if you need to keep things discrete or quiet, you could keep the muzzle noise level down with moderator, but the projectile impact noise is going to be quite loud, be it plinking or pesting.

if being backyard friendly isn't a concern, go for .30, you could hit 80~90fpe all day long in a short compact bullbulps like the Maverick/Wildcat right out of the box.
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55-60 fpe in .22 caliber is asking a LOT !!!
Not many long barreled AG's can do that let alone a shorter barrel compact ... IMHO :unsure:
This seems to be pretty true when you dig through the chatter and claims by both manufacturers and users. It can be done but you’ve got some specialized gear or it’s almost wide open throttle to get there.
Also take into consideration the action noise level when using bullpups like Maverick/Wildcat well above 60fpe in .22, the hammer and spring action is right next to your ear and cheek when it's smashing the valve at full force, it could feel and sound quite violent and nerve wrecking. 😅

60 FPE isn't exactly backyard friendly as well in a suburb type neighborhood if you need to keep things discrete or quiet, you could keep the muzzle noise level down with moderator, but the projectile impact noise is going to be quite loud, be it plinking or pesting.

if being backyard friendly isn't a concern, go for .30, you could hit 80~90fpe all day long in a short compact bullbulps like the Maverick/Wildcat right out of the box.
Also a very good point about the action proximity to ear, thanks