N/A Choices over choices…

So today wife says “I really struggle with thinking of a present for you for Xmas this year, but how about another airgun?”

I wasn’t really in the market for another given that I got an M4 and a Ghost this year buuuut… here we are :) now I am thinking about guns I was sort of eyeing and thinking about but didn’t pull the proverbial trigger for one reason or another. Cause isn’t that what presents are for? Getting things you wouldn’t buy for yourself? On the list are:

RTI Mora - though the standard seems to be sold out and the sniper may be a little long…

RTI P3 - thinking about it can’t remember why I never got that one…

FX King - maybe the new synthetic? Though I got annoyed with FX for not fixing we’ll known bugs with the M4. But when you get them to do what they’re supposed to?! Oh boy…

BRK Pathfinder - maybe something light and fun for the woods? Loving the Ghost so maybe another BRK…

I know it’s hard to pick/recommend a gun without knowing for what purpose, but if you were offered “pick any” today, what would you pick? I mostly plink in the backyard anywhere from 40 to 75y and occasionally 100y, other than that hunting/pesting small stuff with airguns. All in .22 and .25 and don’t really want to go bigger.

Thanks in advance!
Depending on ones budget....Thomas HP slug gun.....AAA HPS .22 coming soon....Taipan Vet2 700...Epic V2....AGT Vulcan3....RAW (any version get it built by Martin himself to your specs/ needs)....you already have a couple as good as it gets PCP's 👍....you have a great wife!
She is indeed awesome :) any opinion on Vulcan 3 vs Uragan 2? Read a bit more about the Mora and took it off the list, apparently too many bugs and QC issues, which disqualifies the prophet as well…
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She is indeed awesome :) any opinion on Vulcan 3 vs Uragan 2? Read a bit more about the Mora and took it off the list, apparently too many bugs and QC issues, which disqualifies the prophet as well…
Agreed on the Mora, best to wait till bugs gets worked out. Like one myself in .35 but too hot for neighborhood. Snowpeak M60B .35 pushing 81 grain FX pellet @ 650 fps is more appropriate, amazingly accurate @ 50 yds. Own Vulcan 3 and Uragan 2, both .30 (700mm), over a year. Even though U2 went back for warranty balanced valve upgrade would still recommend over V3. Smoother, less ammo fussy and no clang in ear at each shot. Krale has some AGT products on sale, check out the website. WM
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Agreed on the Mora, best to wait till bugs gets worked out. Like one myself in .35 but too hot for neighborhood. Snowpeak M60B .35 pushing 81 grain FX pellet @ 650 fps is more appropriate, amazingly accurate @ 50 yds. Own Vulcan 3 and Uragan 2, both .30 (700mm), over a year. Even though U2 went back for warranty balanced valve upgrade would still recommend over V3. Smoother, less ammo fussy and no clang in ear at each shot. Krale has some AGT products on sale, check out the website. WM
Thanks for the insight!! Will take a closer look at the Uragan!
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The GK1 along with carbine parts.

If you want challenge in the wind get a Steyr LGB1 at 6 fpe. This one is very unique in the way it cocks and just a fun little pcp airgun. One I've never regretted buying. If the wind is low I can hit small steel often out to 90Y using the 8.4's.
The ProX is cool too.
And soon Steyr has a few new release airguns coming out.

Yes Thomas are very precise guns. The only reason I'd sell mine is to upgrade to his newest iterations.
If you have the M4 and Ghost, those are two very popular and accurate bullpups. You should consider something different like a semi-auto fun gun such as an Edgun Leshiy 2 or Huben GK1. They’re not as accurate as the M4/Ghost but probably more fun to plink in the 50 yard range. Otherwise get a nicer scope as an Xmas gift like a March.
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