N/A On board Regulator Pressure and Tank Fill Pressure Question


Aug 7, 2024
Curious.. Are the regulators in most guns sensitive to fill pressure.. Lets say REG is set to 2500PSI and was set when tank had 3000PSI in it. IF you now fill the tank to 4500PSI will the REG still be set to 2500PSI.. Not sure exactly how the REGs work IS it an offset or its an absolute pressure?

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Regulators are sensitive to tank pressure. They are not proportional, and will stay close to the set point as the pressure increases towards the maximum they can take, but they are likely to run a little higher at the very high pressures - not massively so, but enough to notice; maybe up to a hundred psi or so, depending on the reg.

That is why we strive to tune the gun such (aka "on the knee") that it does not vary much in output as the regulator pressure varies.
Thanks for the reply guys.

Also the gauge on regulator actually is not a regulator gauge but measures the pressure in the plenum, correct?
That depends entirely on how your gun is made. If it has two guages, then one gauge will be for the air tank fill pressure and the other gauge will be for the plenum (which will be showing what the regulator is set at).