Eating squirrels

Ive had old male fox squirrels grab Cardinals off my deck bird feeders twice and bite their heads off and start to eat them.. both times they dropped them after killing them and taking 1st bite, then I dropped them permanently. Talk about fast they did it in a blink of a eye, 1st time I seen one do it I thought I was seeing things it happened so quick. The squirrel had a mouthful of red feathers when he bit Cardinal in chest after taking its head off. They are not quiet as cute and cuddly as everyone thinks.
My Mother used to cook them in a pressure cooker with rice. My Dad was quite a squirrel hunter. I still remember picking #8 shot out of the meat before I ate it, LOL. Lead hazards were ignored back then.
number 8s, man I bet there were quiet a few in meat, usually used 4,5 or 6s when I used a shotgun sometimes still too many in meat.. always tried to shoot them up front by aiming off the tip of their nose.
That video is by ABC about ground squirrels. Wish I hadn't wasted time going to it. Tree squirrels eat birds eggs too which is just another reason to shoot them when I get a chance.
I wasn't going to "sign in" to watch but eating Ground Squirrels? Really? After watching them cannibalize their own for the past 8 years I'd never CHOOSE to do that. Akin to eating rats & mice!
I wasn't going to "sign in" to watch but eating Ground Squirrels? Really? After watching them cannibalize their own for the past 8 years I'd never CHOOSE to do that. Akin to eating rats & mice!
Same, they are basically zombie rats. Many of them are covered in bugs and parasites and diseases etc. No thanks, a nice clean tree squirrel though....

My dad and uncle used to eat a lot of tree squirrels, bbq with bacon and jalapenos. I had a couple as a kid and really liked them. He also used to eat the brains which I never thought was a good idea, but they grew up pretty poor.
Boil grays hindquaters until the meat falls of the bones. Put it with chicken stock and make soup of choice.. Meat is white and you will drive a , I would never eat a squirrel they are a rat,
sister in law close to insanity when she tells you how good it is and you then disclose the secret. Happened 40 years ago I can still double over laughing when I remember that meal, lol.
I cooked 10 grey squirrels today. I steam them for an hour in an electric pressure cooker and then put BBQ sauce on as I eat them. I ate one for dinner (with mac and cheese and broccoli) and then pulled the meat from the bone before refrigerating the other 9 for future meals. I measured the meat from 9 squirrels at 29 ounces. 3-4 ounces per squirrel. Or about 25% of the live weight.

