HW/Weihrauch DELETE

Ok. I’ll change the title to HW35s
- Simple, Robust Build Quality.
- Accuracy - even though large piston makes it more hold sensitive.
- Retro Elegance - Especially Walnut stock on HW35E.
- The reason Beeman chose Weihrauch to make the R1.

The stock issue, stainless options and cocking ease are either very subjective or a coincidental plus.

That said, the HW50s & HW95 are more user friendly or versatile guns.
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I will be 80 in August.
My springers that I shoot every day/week/month include those listed.
Rarely off of the bench but monthly off of the FT sticks and standing offhand at silly wet..
They add up to more than 50 pounds..
I will bet good money the OP doesn’t see 80…



The OP started it with his post:

”Or is it because most springer owners are getting older and can’t jack anything stronger?”
It was an honest question. I turn 60 soon and am not as strong as I once was. I didn’t mean it as a dig. Simply wanted to know if that was one of the reasons 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Why would you say I won’t reach 80? You know something I don’t?
My take … He didn’t think you were 80, because of your ridicule of not being able to jack anything stronger.

Also, folks who use somewhat “dramatic“ language as the OP did tend to receive answers loaded with more drama. Hence, you reap what you sow ;) .
The HW30 has been made for almost 70 years.

So what’s with all the 35 love lately? Everyone just love the new stock?
Or is it because most springer owners are getting older and can’t jack anything stronger?
Or is it the availability of nickel plating and new checkering?
I just don’t understand the recent popularity of the 35🤷🏻‍♂️
lol. Just seen a new post today sporting 50 yard groups with one. lol. 50 yards might be doable. But far from effective in my opinion at that distance. Many other BB will do the job better and much less loopy.
Why you ask?

1. Boys (and girls) and their toys. Some folks just need an excuse to buy something they don't have so jump on the bandwagon when it comes around.

2. Other quiet types already own one and all it takes is a member to post something and the rest pipe in (mention the HW55 and see how many owners come out of the woodwork, lol).

3. If you've been into air guns for enough years you'll recall the late '60's and early '70's when the HW35 was described as follows: "Within the luxury long-range sporting air arms category one distinct model design stands above all others, the famous Weihrauch HW35. It features the high-power desired feature in a sporter with refinement and associated accuracy suitable for target work as well. This is the ultimate refined sporter money can buy".

The HW35 is a significant milestone in spring piston air rifles and every bit as good today as it was when it was HW's flag ship model. Every spring gun aficionado should own this classic piece of history and how wonderful we can still buy a brand new one relatively unchanged save for stock and finish options.

Why you ask?

1. Boys (and girls) and their toys. Some folks just need an excuse to buy something they don't have so jump on the bandwagon when it comes around.

2. Other quiet types already own one and all it takes is a member to post something and the rest pipe in.

3. If you've been into air guns for enough years you'll recall the late '60's and early '70's when the HW35 was described as follows: "Within the luxury long-range sporting air arms category one distinct model design stands above all others, the famous Weihrauch HW35. It features the high-power desired feature in a sporter with refinement and associated accuracy suitable for target work as well. This is the ultimate refined sporter money can buy".

The HW35 is a significant milestone in spring piston air rifles and every bit as good today as it was when it was HW's flag ship model. Every spring gun aficionado should own this classic piece of history and how wonderful we can still buy a brand new one relatively unchanged save for stock and finish options.
Because I’ve seen a lot of posts over the past few months with people getting new HWs, 35. It wasn’t what I was used to seeing.

But if a Moderator reads this. Just delete the thread. People are way too sensitive for this topic it seems.
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My take … He didn’t think you were 80, because of your ridicule of not being able to jack anything stronger.

Also, folks who use somewhat “dramatic“ language as the OP did tend to receive answers loaded with more drama. Hence, you reap what you sow ;) .
I’m blunt. Sorry that’s me. If you are looking for sugar coated posts. Please skip over mine.
There are much better guns than HW35's but they are I guess just very iconic! They paved a way in the 70s&80s for a powerful accurate well made German gun ! I love my 70s 35 & 35E but still think my FWB124 remains king in that fight! But nothing compares to my R1 and HW80s of the same period! They were the Mike Tysons of the day