Hay all had another question what is everyone's favorite moderator for A PCP 22 slug or pellet and why have you chose that one would love to know I'm in the market for A new one now that new neighbors moved in across from me.
Power under 40fpe as for shroud or barrel I would say both everything from my pride and joy stormrider to my new barra 250z I like to mix and match all of my moderators to all of my pcps and even some of my pump gunsWhat are you putting it on? Some do better on the barrel, and some do better on a shroud. And how much power, at least in the ballpark?
Here is a great read on another forum. It may be on here somewhere too, but I have this link handy: https://www.gatewaytoairguns.org/GTA/index.php?topic=182738.0
I do have a couple of the Huma Mod 40 units and find them to be very good - better than than the DonnyFL Tatsu I also have, and on par with a Hugget Mini Magna I also have. The Huma's are great in that they are modular, so you can change the length to suit the amount of dampening you need. I will say both of mine are the older style with the felt inserts vs. the new plastic insert "Avalanche" units - I did buy an Avalanche insert to try in mine and I did not find it as quiet as the rolled up felt, at least on my guns which all have shrouds.