N/A 100yds groups ....No "White Lies"... No " B.S." ... just be honest ..

This is NOT a "My ego is bigger than yours" ... just some interest in real world groups shot at around 100yds ... ANY airgun, any calibre.....Slug..... Pellet.

If you were to fire ...... "5" ...... 5 shot groups in still conditions...what would your "average" spread be?

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5 Shot group 100 meters with Sinner .223 and rws 41 grain slug 1060fps.

on a perfectly calm still day:
taipan mutant shooting JSB 18.13 at 880fps: 1MOA
hunstman revere shooting JSB 18.13 @ 865fps: 1.5MOA
k1 shooting 36gr AVS slugs around 870fps can touch shots but groups usually end up 2moa. I need to get some slightly lighter slugs to turn up the speed there.
No perfect calm day at my place, also the 100 M range was designed for centerfire not for airguns in mind.
When all the stars aligned the best is 1 MOA 5 shot groups, but usually about 1.5 MOA and shifting around the X.
.25 cal JSB 34gn, 885 fps, STX-A pellet liner, 1:27 TwR
Same setup but another 50 M range with different surrounds gives me a single rugged hole.
With my project all shooting beyond 100 yard gun I’ve moved past the printing group phase a year or so ago. Now it’s been all about how far I can trust that gun on a first cold shot. But when I was in the average group size phase, this particular gun was required to have all groups covered by a quarter at 100. But I’m not talking about a couple shooting sessions. I’m talking about months of shooting data and saved groups. It’s not every day that you have conditions that you can trust what you’re printing. These aren’t powder burners. They are limp biscuits. I have a ton of other guns and projects so it wasn’t all about burning myself out on just one gun. But once I knew the gun was always going to do what it was supposed to if I did what I’m supposed to at 100, I moved to the how far can I trust this thing on a cold shot.

Ironic this topic pops up because I just cold shot a red today at 130 yards with a 18 day cold shot. So while I’m sure we will see some impressive groups in a topic like this, I’m only interested in guns that will do it cold. This gun will also do mice off this feeder cold shots. Lots of work and testing to the point I got sick of it. But worth it now.

With my project all shooting beyond 100 yard gun I’ve moved past the printing group phase a year or so ago. Now it’s been all about how far I can trust that gun on a first cold shot. But when I was in the average group size phase, this particular gun was required to have all groups covered by a quarter at 100. But I’m not talking about a couple shooting sessions. I’m talking about months of shooting data and saved groups. It’s not every day that you have conditions that you can trust what you’re printing. These aren’t powder burners. They are limp biscuits. I have a ton of other guns and projects so it wasn’t all about burning myself out on just one gun. But once I knew the gun was always going to do what it was supposed to if I did what I’m supposed to at 100, I moved to the how far can I trust this thing on a cold shot.

Ironic this topic pops up because I just cold shot a red today at 130 yards with a 18 day cold shot. So while I’m sure we will see some impressive groups in a topic like this, I’m only interested in guns that will do it cold. This gun will also do mice off this feeder cold shots. Lots of work and testing to the point I got sick of it. But worth it now.

I have landed in your boat. How reliable is the first "warm bore" shot? I learned that I can make almost any pcp airgun group with enough time or sighter shots. Cracking off that first shot at a pigeon and not damaging any surrounding property is my goal. Like my pump gun had to be as a kid.
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Unmodified 700 cm Panthera
Randolph front rest, Edgewood rear
Tethered at 230 BAR
Plenum at 160 BAR
34 grain H&N at 1005 fps
33 grain ZAN at 1015 fps

10 shot groups at 100 yards at 1 1/2 MOA vertical 2 1/2 MOA horizontal (wind is tricky at my range)

I've owned this rifle for about three weeks. I hope to get it down to 1 MOA over time.

While we wait for legit average groups over a long period of time to come in, I’ll talk about something frustrating.

Your cold shot velocity is spot on and so are subsequent shots. But it still takes several shots for the gun to settle in on a tiny little POI. So you look at two things. Am I using the right lube for this barrel slug combo. Or does this only happen when this combos barrel is at a certain timeframe in it’s fowling process. Lots and lots to consider when you want to make that possibly misleading statement about what kind of gun you really have. Wooferocau is not the only one to make this call out. @Centercut made the same callout a while back.

This hobby is chocked full of half truths that when posted instantly cause PA or other slug suppliers to instantly be out of stock of a particular projectile. What I’m getting at is before you just start ordering pellets or slugs because of something you saw on the internet, maybe ask the influencer who influenced you how long he’s been shooting that projectile. I promise you, it might not be confidence inspiring. The gun I spoke of in my first reply has been on that slug for maybe two years now. Reason? The gun was built around it.