Airforce Airforce Condor SS tank leak


I have an airforce condor ss, I haven't used it in years. I recently tried to put air into it and via the quick fill connection on the spin loc tank. Air was escaping from the gauge area where it is threaded in. I pulled off the gauge looked at everything, couldn't see anything immediately wrong. Put it back together and low and behold air coming out again.

Thought well I have some teflon tape sitting around, I tried adding that to the threads and tightening everything back down, after a handful of tries absolutely no luck with getting it to hold any kind of real pressure.

At this point, I am probably going to invest in a new spin loc tank if I can find one, but I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions that they might would have tried? Any feedback is appreciated, I am new in trying to do any repairs myeslf.
When I was taking things apart initally, the only thing I noticed as far as any kind of seal/sealent was some black tape on the very top threads of the gauge. @PasadenaMike I think I would be out of luck with a warranty claim as my messing with I left tool marks, unfortunately.
Here’s your answer for a gauge

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