Just joined the forum to give a big shoutout and thank you to Dr. Mike (Mikelo123 I believe is his username).

Doc does a tremendous amount of work with the local Veteran community, both through some community organizations as well as on his own.

I have been going on fun shoots and hunts with Mike for a few years now and as the group has expanded so has the graciousness and selflessness of Doc.

Me and others truly owe him our lives, I can 100% say without question or reservation without him I would not be here today and I know others who would echo that.

I know he hates being in the spot light and am sure when he sees this he will yell at me to delete it but just wanted others to truly know the work he does and how much it has affected so many for the better.

We were out a week or so ago and as we headed back to town stopped for lunch and when we came out his truck tailgate was down and 12 airguns/scopes/ammo/air tanks etc. gone. Insult to injury his insurance company basically said sorry but not much we can do. In typical Mike fashion he just shrugged his shoulders and said “Well guess this is why God created American Express”. It was heart breaking to see something like this happen to someone who does nothing but try and give back (ALL of it out of his own pocket I might add) so just wanted to get this out there so others know how good of a man he is and how much he has truly helped as I know, even though he will never admit it a guy giving so much just to have something like this happen really hit him hard.

If you can reach out and just say hi to Doc tonight, (Mikelo123) I know he would appreciate it…

Appreciate the time everyone,

Good Night.
I appreciate you for bringing this tragedy to light. I reached out and have some spare rifles to donate to him. If anyone can join me with accessories or rifles as I can't replace all he lost. It's heartbreaking to hear so let's get his efforts repaid. I'm a veteran myself so his work hits home for me especially.
I appreciate you for bringing this tragedy to light. I reached out and have some spare rifles to donate to him. If anyone can join me with accessories or rifles as I can't replace all he lost. It's heartbreaking to hear so let's get his efforts repaid. I'm a veteran myself so his work hits home for me especially.
I have a Hatsan FlashPup .22 caliber I would donate if I could get info to ship. I know what it feels like to have things"walk away":mad:
That really sucks, the good folks here will help out!
I don’t have any guns to donate, but I’ll make him a mini “know your limits” spinner target like in the picture.
Please let me know where to send it.
Edit: It’s set up with two cards to cut, and toothpicks, and there’s a bell behind the three holes on the bottom. The smallest spinner is smaller than a .177 pellet.
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That really sucks, the good folks here will help out!
I don’t have any guns to donate, but I’ll make him a mini “know your limits” spinner target like in the picture.
Please let me know where to send it.
Edit: It’s set up with two cards to cut, and toothpicks, and there’s a bell behind the three holes on the bottom. The smallest spinner is smaller than a .177 pellet.
View attachment 524204
I’ll bet they would sell on here, I know I’d like to buy one

Thank you so very much for all the kind words and offers! I appreciate the post Jason and hearing I have made a difference is more than enough……

I have had the good fortune of making some life long friends through the work I do with the veteran community and just being fortunate enough to be able to provide a bit of normalcy to folks who are struggling and seeing how it helps and hearing the laughs and stories exchanged (as well as the good humored back and forth when I miss a squirrel at 25 yards)!

While I appreciate everyone who has reached with the offer of donations etc. I must (with all graciousness) decline. Please understand it is not lack of appreciation, I just would not feel right about accepting.

I thank you all!

Just to close, if any of you veterans out there read this and are struggling I can be reached 24 hours a day 7 days a week 4258905630 (hopefully posting my number does not upset the forum owner/moderators). I know folks in damn near every state who would drop everything to help so even if you are not locale, reach out and I can take it from there.
I knew Dr. Mike was working with vets but this is effin AWSOME!! There is a serious need and I am elated that this man is making a difference. Thank you both for sharing your experiences and working to help American veterans stay alive, become more functional, and get their lives on track. I love reading things like this.
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That really sucks, the good folks here will help out!
I don’t have any guns to donate, but I’ll make him a mini “know your limits” spinner target like in the picture.
Please let me know where to send it.
Edit: It’s set up with two cards to cut, and toothpicks, and there’s a bell behind the three holes on the bottom. The smallest spinner is smaller than a .177 pellet.
View attachment 524204
Received today. Wow after we discussed some things he sends as a gift this present to my wife .
ygtbsm so that’s for me who can’t read these CODES Like me.
you got to be sh tting me