Or several generations old fx guns for 2k.The market is slowing i think because sellers are posting "near new cost" prices and unwilling to deal even just shipping cost split . How many items do you see with no change in price even after 6 months or longer on the forum ?
My mom used to give us that sermon, but she added "while carrying a hog under each arm".In regards to post #6 I understand their are many people that do not have what is termed disposable income and must make the most of what they do have to spend . In my younger days , i had to volunteer to work 4 hours an evening three night a week @ regular pay for more than a year to buy a camera i wanted .
HMMM? that just read the same as " as a kid i had to walk to school 4 miles one way , UP Hill both ways !! In the snow all year .
There was a post a year or so back where people argued that if you upgrade or tuned the gun, your investment and time should equate to higher value.I think people have such high resale believe they believe they should get everything back they put into a air rifle...its like a ugly paint job on a car im sure the guy who painted liked it a paid dearly for it but its still a 10 year old p.o.s. car...upgrades are not meant im my opinion to up the cost its the cost its the cost of experiememting. And besides ive seen what ive done to my guns and would prolly never buy a used one. Just because you can turn a wrench dosent make you a mechanic lol
Not new…buy something 2-3 models old and then you can resell it for a similar cost.Which airgun has the best resale value?