Airgun reviews

Being new to pcp and this website, I first look up any topics I am interested in, then I look at the poster feedback and time / years on the website and i can pretty quickly determine who I should be paying attention to for good useful information. And I am thankful for their experience and this website.
Happy New Year
For You-Tube reviews these are the only opportunities I’ll have to see these airguns or equipment being used. However, regardless what they claim about themselves the reviewers/influencers are filtering their content giving it as much a positive spin as they can. That’s their job. Same to varying degree for written reviewers.

I’ll watch the videos with a critical eye observing details of the airgun or equipment in use. What can I see the reviewer is not talking about. Only half listen to what is said, that banter is often a distraction. Will cross reference with other reviews and information sources to get the best understanding I can and filter out the hype.
Better if they bought the item themselves and not just a paid advertisement. Even better when they understand how the item works and provides workups for better performance. Got no use for an open box, shoot a few groups, cry from the mountain tops that it's the greatest, come on here and hock said item for full retail after recieving item and check for review.
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I’m more apt to watch videos on a gun after the purchase, to learn about what I just acquired. I tend to read all I can about the gun before purchase, and I don’t feel that I’ve been much influenced by video reviews. Most reviews are poorly disguised advertisements, with only the positives pointed out.
Editing is a reviewers best friend!
A reviewer needs to highlight everything good about the rifle...even if it is not that good.
Ever notice that they sometimes review at 25, 50 or further, but not with every rifle they review.
if the rifle has a decent accuracy at 25, but falls apart at you think they would show any 75yrd targets..NO ..only at 25
And if you think you are seeing actual results from their grouping shots, i refer you to my openning statement
I truely doubt that they are showing anything but the best that they could do with that equipment. All the rest is left on the editing floor.
It's how they get paid
I watch with a giant grain of salt. Just too much bad information out there. I've seen 'experts' who have been in airgunning a very short period of time and who have come on forums asking questions, only to go in a video and regurgitate what they learned.
I would be happy with no dialog... I want to see a shot string and unedited accuracy at medium and longish range using a variety of pellets. That's it. I know that's not what sells to the masses, though.
I do.

That's not to say that I believe EVRYTHING that all of them say.
Many just talk about the same information that the same information that's in the shops (for sale) pages of said gun, so that's of no interest. I look for their shooting (some ok, some...not so much !) of the guns. That's why I watch "as many videos as I can take", at any point in time !

Then there are a couple guys that actually do go..."into" the details of the guns. Remove the stock, do some adjusting etc. Those are much more informative, But there's only a couple of guys that do that, and not every gun gets that type of reviewer.

This is how I learned about these "toys" ! That and reading the information gained here. And...just like the YouTube videos, some info from here in the Airgun Nation is good, some...well...!

The nearest airgun shop is several hours away so purchases are online, sight-unseen with no chance for touchy-feely.

When considering a new purchase I read/view everything I can find and try to sort fact from hype. To that end, I really appreciate the help and support I get from the members of AGN when asking about their airguns.

So yeah, I watch the videos closely... and critically.

My biggest peeve with "reviews" is when they present groups shot in windy conditions - useless!