Somebody did a bad thing.

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I do believe there is room here to at least open the discussion. The OP did not condone or support the behavior. We should help each other to remain aware of those who would negatively impact our hobby.

If I were on a baking forum and it was known that someone poisoned people with our favorite cookies, I would want to be in the know.
I do believe there is room here to at least open the discussion. The OP did not condone or support the behavior. We should help each other to remain aware of those who would negatively impact our hobby.

If I were on a baking forum and it was known that someone poisoned people with our favorite cookies, I would want to be in the know.
First sentence

Used an airgun, a type of firearm.........

Journalism degrees usually convey that one has an understanding of the language, correct?
No minimum science requirement for a journalism degree?

Do 'journalists' even require a degree anymore?
My wife was the president of the northeast Ohio ONA (Ohio Nurses Association) some years back. Part of her training was how to deal with the medias.
There line was “Pretty face, empty head”. I think we all see that pretty much every day.