Daystate reseal time ... any advice?

im using a molygrease and using the straight pull technique..but the cocking effort etc remains unchanged ie rough
I can think of two other things that can lead to rough cocking. First, make sure the lugs in both the bolt and the hammer are tight - if they get loose then the angle of interface goes off kilter and side loads develop quickly that bind things up. Second, if there is any drag on the hammer in the tube you will feel it through the bolt. Over time, dirt and dust can can get in there, as the hammer moves a lot of air around as it travels forward. I'd make sure that the tube and hammer are fully clean, and I like to lube mine with either moly or titanium dioxide powder burnished into the surfaces. At the extreme end, you could polish the tube the hammer slides in with a hone, if any wear has developed in there.
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