It in the cards....

Have guests coming over to the indoor range in a few days. Cut this fixture out to hold cards on edge to add some fun. It is crude but it works!

Range is 18 yards. The shooter that comes the closest to cutting totally in half wins.
We use a scrap 2x4 with 5 slots. One for each shooter.

Shuffle the cards, deal 2 hands (5 card stud) and put the cards at 15 yards in your card holder.

Shoot 5 shots. Hit cards are free. Cut cards are jokers. You bet a dollar (or whatever) for every missed card.

After shooting you play the hand. The winner gets the pot. Your shooting skill just determines your bet in the poker hand.

We play the same game at 50-75 yards with the cards facing away from us. Lots fun!
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