Did a mod to my GX CS4


Dec 14, 2022
My CS 4 has got almost 22 hrs. on it now and I had noticed that it seemed to be pumping slower lately. I did the thing of taking out the check valve assembly and letting it run and cleaning out the port with q-tips as some gunk would accumulate and that didn't seem to help any. I just bought a new CS 2, thinking that the 4 was getting ready to die and I didn't want to be left with no air source. I was tinkering in my shop today and I decided to cut the small battery clips off the power wires and direct connect them to the inverter as I have never been a fan of those small weak clamps. After doing it, I did a dead head test, and I could instantly hear a difference in the way the compressor was running, and it shaved off about 25 seconds on the test. I did a few more tests with the same results. I just ordered some 50 amp Anderson plugs and I'm going to get rid of the clamps on both compressors and I'm going to install an Anderson plug hook up on my truck also.
Before doing the direct connection, I did clean the terminals and the clamps just to make sure they were getting the best possible connection. If anyone has noticed their compressor has gotten slower, you might want to try this......I'm not saying it will make a difference in everyone's compressor, but it did on mine....:)

The connections under than black plastic cover are hokey too! I replaced it with 3d printed one with a power switch and also upgraded the internal wiring which is poor as well. The wiring is undersized for the 30+ AMPs. I removed the power cord reel I won't be using . A PITA since it is riveted on.

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