FX Said I'd NEVER sell my FX Boss, BUT.....

Tough choice but if slugs are a serious potential in your future and you cannot or do not wan to afford owning two guns? Sell it and I would follow Centercut’s advice.
I have a Panthera 25 600mm that I shoot strictly slugs out of. I was tempted to sell it but every time I go shoot ground squirrels it gets put in the truck. Why? Because it gets the job done better than any other air gun I own. The Dynamic platform develops large power with no modifications or YT black magic required. Out to 150 yards it is death on our ground squirrels. They are slightly smaller than a dollar bill size.
All I did to the 25 was move the bottle to the front change that to a 480cc and put an extended lower rail on it for the bipod. Tons of power. It shoots 33 gr slugs at 1015 fps @ 135 bar. I backed off a bit but you get the picture.
I have a 30 cal Panthera Compact hunter. It is a lot of air gun and a bit too much for a lot of my needs, but once again it will shoot 45 gr pellets @ 905 fps out of that short 395mm barrel. It is taking about all it has to offer to do that but it does it with zero mods.
I have been thinking about your dilemma. I would like to add something to my original response. I believe there are guns out there worth sacrificing your Boss for. So when the “wants“ hit you again and a different gun is involved, pose the question again. Had you said you want to give up the Boss for a RAW HM1000X laminate, I probably would have said go for it.

I understand your Boss dilemma, but don't understand the want for a slug gun.
If you think that .30 pellets are expensive, slugs ain't cheap!
I agree with CC on this one though, as you still could use both types of ammo in the .25 Dynamic.
I am saddened by your personal situation and hope that it works out in the BEST way possible buddy.


I understand your Boss dilemma, but don't understand the want for a slug gun.
If you think that .30 pellets are expensive, slugs ain't cheap!
I agree with CC on this one though, as you still could use both types of ammo in the .25 Dynamic.
I am saddened by your personal situation and hope that it works out in the BEST way possible buddy.

.25 slugs are cheaper than .30 pellets unless you go specialty like AVS.

I understand your Boss dilemma, but don't understand the want for a slug gun.
If you think that .30 pellets are expensive, slugs ain't cheap!
I agree with CC on this one though, as you still could use both types of ammo in the .25 Dynamic.
I am saddened by your personal situation and hope that it works out in the BEST way possible buddy.

Thanks Mike. For now I'm gonna cool my jets & TAKE TIME to calmly reassess A LOT OF STUFF! In the way of airguns I have and am happy with everything I NEED.
Tough choice but if slugs are a serious potential in your future and you cannot or do not wan to afford owning two guns? Sell it and I would follow Centercut’s advice.
I have a Panthera 25 600mm that I shoot strictly slugs out of. I was tempted to sell it but every time I go shoot ground squirrels it gets put in the truck. Why? Because it gets the job done better than any other air gun I own. The Dynamic platform develops large power with no modifications or YT black magic required. Out to 150 yards it is death on our ground squirrels. They are slightly smaller than a dollar bill size.
All I did to the 25 was move the bottle to the front change that to a 480cc and put an extended lower rail on it for the bipod. Tons of power. It shoots 33 gr slugs at 1015 fps @ 135 bar. I backed off a bit but you get the picture.
I have a 30 cal Panthera Compact hunter. It is a lot of air gun and a bit too much for a lot of my needs, but once again it will shoot 45 gr pellets @ 905 fps out of that short 395mm barrel. It is taking about all it has to offer to do that but it does it with zero mods.
Thanks for the reply but I've taken MANY squirrels & rabbits from 100 to 150 yards with the Boss. My "personal best" being 178. It's an incredibly capable gun at those distances with PELLETS! I've just been romancing the idea of 200+ yards. It's about prioritizing things now & another gun SHOULDN'T be a priority at the moment.
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By the time everyone finishes giving their $0.02 maybe you’ll have a dollar.

I share a lot of the sentiment here. Don’t sell a favorite airgun for an unknown. Figure out a way to try or buy the new one. Make sure it is what you want as a Boss replacement before you sell the Boss. I understand it can be a pinch financially but I’ve made that mistake a few times and regretted selling a great rifle to come out behind in the barrel lottery.
This is not a Political Statement
I would advise you to buy it now. The President has already stated that Tariffs are coming for the EU Countries on all goods imported into the US. Not sure if it will include Air Rifles and Air pistols, but most likely it will. I would advise anyone who has his or her eyes on a EU made item, BUY IT NOW before the price goes up. Once the dealers have depleted their stock, the price will go up at what ever the percentage the tariff is. So, if the tariff is %25, then your FX, Weihrauch, BSA, Daystate, JSB, etc. will cost %25 more. UK may be spared because they are no longer part of the EU but I would not count on it.
Again, this is not a political argument, it is a monetary argument.
Yeah just hold off until you are more sure on what you want.

Sounds like you have lots of time on your hands, and if you want to shoot slugs inexpensively you should put funds towards a swaging system, that might mean selling stuff, but in the long run it's worth the investment.

I have few references because I haven't owned a bunch of guns out there but at this point a Dwall tuned V3 is my #1 suggestion for the money. I like it much more than my Royale!
Partly why is I'm not buying anything with a liner system, or with electronics, which are personal pet peeves.
THANKS PAL! I needed to hear that & do what you suggested about past posts. You, JaceSpace1369, Just Zack 2, Vetmx & Smok3y confirmed what I'm biased towards. I'm REALLY emotionally attached to the Boss. It's rarely EVER let me down. I guess just knowing I'd never stop regretting selling it should be a clear indication to NOT do it. I have the "I wants" right now & with me, that usually passes. Thanks all you guys who were emphatic about not selling it. I'm gonna go in the garage right now & apologize to the Boss for even THINKING about it! :ROFLMAO:
I am happy to hear that you kept it. This is coming from someone who trades a lot. I'm talking over thirty guns in the span of less than a year and a half. I'm able to trade these and not lose sleep. Because I am not attached to them. I enjoy them. They are for work.I like experimenting with them, but that's it. There, there's only one gun I regret it selling. And that was my fx impact mark two, that I had for nearly two years built the way I wanted to with over twenty thousand rounds put through it. I traded it for a huben k1 twenty five, and i've been trading guns like a madman ever since, trying to get the feeling back. I've had an impact m3 since then, and it still didn't do it for me.

I hope the best out of your current situation, and I'm happy to read that you decided keep something truly enjoy.
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