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I have multiple coffee cans of shot pellets. So I ordered a lead melting pot from Midway. Figured I would give them to a friend that casts his own 457 Texan slugs.
14 days and still isn't out of MO.
I wish I could send the Distribution Center a box of dog poop. That way it would just go around and circle some stink the whole place up even worse
I have multiple coffee cans of shot pellets. So I ordered a lead melting pot from Midway. Figured I would give them to a friend that casts his own 457 Texan slugs.
14 days and still isn't out of MO.
I wish I could send the Distribution Center a box of dog poop. That way it would just go around and circle some stink the whole place up even worse
View attachment 533188
I feel your pain, just had a package take 21 days and five round trips between 2 local hubs! “Hurry Elon Hurry” 😂
The reason it appears the item is going in circles is because packages are scanned in and then put into a bin which is also scanned. The scanned bin goes on it's merry way going and coming and each time it is scanned you get a notice. But your odd size package got left out or fell out and is sitting around some place. It will eventually be caught in a few hours, days, weeks, in one case a couple of months and finally get delivered often with no further notice. The package will just appear.
The reason it appears the item is going in circles is because packages are scanned in and then put into a bin which is also scanned. The scanned bin goes on it's merry way going and coming and each time it is scanned you get a notice. But your odd size package got left out or fell out and is sitting around some place. It will eventually be caught in a few hours, days, weeks, in one case a couple of months and finally get delivered often with no further notice. The package will just appear.
Hey don't bring reason and logic into this discussion you will confuse them.
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So you wanna play "who has the worst usps hub game" do ya..

The North Houston / Missouri City hubs are SUPERB over achievers ..

This bunch of asshats had over 25,000. yes 25,000 packages piled up in the parking lot for over 60 days, in November and December no less..
Now this is just what they admitted to, people had medications spoiling, small businesses went broke or go into Massive debt due to having to double ship orders to customers.. original orders through the wiz bangs at usps then reship through UPS or FedEx.

We had a literal State and Federal investigation take place...
Do you think this band of lazy ass clowns gave a $hit, hell no!!!

The excuse will kill you too...
True statement released from the postmaster general
"Well we built the brand new multi million dollar hub to help with the heavy package load in this region, unfortunately we did not make the openings of the new facility wide enough to allow the New, State of the art equipment to fit into the new building"... WHAT???

If this is not typical of the waste of usps as a rule nothing is, and who the hell was the degenerate moron in charge of that deal???

Moral of this story NEVER SHIP USPS.....
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I have multiple coffee cans of shot pellets. So I ordered a lead melting pot from Midway. Figured I would give them to a friend that casts his own 457 Texan slugs.
14 days and still isn't out of MO.
I wish I could send the Distribution Center a box of dog poop. That way it would just go around and circle some stink the whole place up even worse
View attachment 533188
GF ordered me what she said was an airgun from Butt Hole air arms for Christmas and it still hasn't arrived. She said it's been rerouted 3 times but is still supposed to come eventually. I'm starting to think it's not really an airgun, or she didn't get me anything, as it's almost Valentines now
The reason it appears the item is going in circles is because packages are scanned in and then put into a bin which is also scanned. The scanned bin goes on it's merry way going and coming and each time it is scanned you get a notice. But your odd size package got left out or fell out and is sitting around some place. It will eventually be caught in a few hours, days, weeks, in one case a couple of months and finally get delivered often with no further notice. The package will just appear.
This exact thing recently happened to me. The post office guy took a look at the tracking and said contact the people I ordered from because it’s basically gone. But it did eventually show up many weeks later.
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