Impact of tarriff on China?

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I thought the Canadian tariffs were postponed for a month, possibly to be cancelled. Also, didn't Canadian currency take a dip vs the US Dollar?
I believe the guns come from China into the US (California) then get shipped to Wes in Canada. They then get shipped to the customer.. So China tariff would be in play. Not sure how it would work if the Canada tariff starts when the guns are shipped back to the US customers.
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I sent Wes a regulator and part 66 from my PP750 to clock correctly since he’s been waiting a long time on parts. He gave me the same warning as above. It’s a little crazy that it applies to already imported parts to the USA. I joked I should have etched in them “made in USA” before I sent them to him. I also have two things I ordered before this from aliexpress. So it will be interesting.

On already purchased items that need repair/fabrication I struggle with declared value. After purchase we all know most thing depreciate instantly. I paid 32 bucks for a drop block regulator and who knows the price of part 66 taken out of a used Notos 🤷
I felt a good value to declare was $20 USD.

I told Wes I’ll pay whatever it costs, it’s not his fault and he’s a great guy. I don’t want to avoid him because of governments
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Yesterday got my 3 liter Tuxing. Problem is I ordered a 6.8
Tuxing or Aliexpress want me to ship it to a guy in Nebraska.
I wonder what this is about?
Anybody here named Keith ?
It probably got sent to you instead of him by mistake. I had something similar happen several years ago with Joe B - I contacted them about the wrong thing showing up, and they checked and that is what happened. Joe asked if I would be willing to send it to the right final destination, and of course I said yes. He sent me a shipping label so it was pretty easy to accommodate - I hope Tuxing does the same for you.
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It probably got sent to you instead of him by mistake. I had something similar happen several years ago with Joe B - I contacted them about the wrong thing showing up, and they checked and that is what happened. Joe asked if I would be willing to send it to the right final destination, and of course I said yes. He sent me a shipping label so it was pretty easy to accommodate - I hope Tuxing does the same for you.
Alan , I ve had one dealing with Joe and truly would like to have more. I bought the double gauge TP3 and love it.
That was for my new 9 liter tank. Had a problem with the oil filled gauge leaking and he immediately sent new. Truth is
that’s pretty much the way they are if rubber plugged hole is not on top. Joes problem, but I hope he has enough buyers that worry about non DOT or “lesser” quality Chinese valves and gauges ( I assume his come from here) is that you can
get this stuff which is functional for 20% which I gravitate towards.
I wouldn’t lose one minutes sleep over it. Since Covid the sky has been falling so often over so many things that we should be immune to it. At least that’s what I hope for because it will eliminate idiots panicking and causing even bigger issues. Airgun are cool. Just keeping this airgun related.
I wouldn’t lose one minutes sleep over it. Since Covid the sky has been falling so often over so many things that we should be immune to it. At least that’s what I hope for because it will eliminate idiots panicking and causing even bigger issues. Airgun are cool. Just keeping this airgun related.
Airguns ARE cool. They’re cool to shoot. They’re also cool to look at. Sometimes I open my gun safe and just look at all my guns for awhile and then go do something else. Sometimes I switch optics around on all my guns for no reason. That’s cool, too. Airguns are cool. Airguns airguns airguns. Tariffs are stupid but airguns are cool. Cool cool airguns. Airguns airguns plenum o-ring foot pounds of energy. Airguns.
I believe the guns come from China into the US (California) then get shipped to Wes in Canada. They then get shipped to the customer.. So China tariff would be in play. Not sure how it would work if the Canada tariff starts when the guns are shipped back to the US customers.
Yes, it is a good point. I didn't think of that.
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