Skout Trying to Get the Hang of it

I took some time off from shooting,( for whatever reason), a while back and something called me back. Now I’d like to concentrate on benchest. But before I go further, a benchrest shooter, I am not. It’s something to work on after my recent retirement.

So, I think I’ve shot 4 N50 targets so far….and the gun is 2 months old. Still getting the hang If it all. Not the best but kinda happy with this target. Wind got me in places.
I need to donate to the N50 organization and get some plugs to measure with. Right now just eyeballing the scores. I have some flags that will come back out, (thank you Mike of Thomasair), and I hope to get into a routine soon…. even if I’m not all that good.
Here’s one I just shot, (no flags), low wind, SKOUT Evo and JTS 22.07 pellets.
BTW, Accepting all tips and pointers from the better shooters out there.

Plenty of really good bench guys on here, I’m a novice. What has helped me is having a stable table, and finding the rests that work best for particular rifles that meet my requirements. I’m not a contraption person, I like bags. Could I shoot better with a Randolph, I’m sure I would be. I don’t complete anymore with shooting, it’s all about self improvement for me.
Practice practice practice. Putting all the breathing and fundamentals into every shot. On a card it’s easy to lose concentration. Be slow and deliberate while learning what works for you.
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Have owned two bullpups that I shot BR with, I can say it is much more challenging than traditional rifles. You have to get all things on the right level since they sit so high. That and dealing with their balance got me back to some traditional rifles to BR with. My primary BR gun now is an Air Arms S200. It just feels more natural to me.
You don’t have to be good to enjoy it. I think you have the right mindset with just looking for your own improvement. The good will come with time, practice and some learned skills.
I am not a BR shooter and never wanted to be. Shot a 100 yard BR competition last year and found out how little I did know. Now I m working to improve that as it all translates over to my favorite AG pastime which is small game hunting.
You don’t have to be good to enjoy it. I think you have the right mindset with just looking for your own improvement. The good will come with time, practice and some learned skills.
I am not a BR shooter and never wanted to be. Shot a 100 yard BR competition last year and found out how little I did know. Now I m working to improve that as it all translates over to my favorite AG pastime which is small game hunting.
Yes my idea is that if I become very good at BR then great! Otherwise, if not, then I’ll just have a lot of trying and that’s a win win.