28” barrel is too long for my liking. I like the BW with 17 or 23” barrel. Why Daystate haven’t made the shorter barrels to shoot the heavy slugs I don’t understand( I have a suspicion why though). I have had ordered a BW but canselled as I was afraid to spend $3300 on a gun that could do 35-40 ft/ibs but I had to turn it down powerwise to shoot pellet accurately.
Everything I have read to date, suggests that slugs... need to go faster >930 FPS and up, for them to be most accurate; thus the longer barrels, which allow the pellet to reach a higher speed before exiting the muzzle. I personally want to avoid going sonic!
Pellets on the flip side of this, do better at speeds less than <915 fps (generally) as i am sure there are exceptions.
The U.S. market is probably the biggest market for FAC rifles, whereas many other countries are limited to <12 FPE.
Very hard to keep everyone happy and legal in this regards. Shooting slugs in a <12 fpe airgun is kinda silly.
My overall thoughts on this slug v. pellet adventure are simple:
A pellet gun is a "pellet gun" and i don't want or need a pellet to go out past 110 yards for "my" purposes. Even though i am aware folks like to shoot things much further away. I have shot both coyote and wild pig at less than 40 yards using a .30 EVOL.
If i need to engage target or quarry past 75 yards (for me personally) I'm switching to a .22 cal powder burner or bigger.
The RAW / Texan line up has some BEASTLY large bore guns; but in my world they wouldn't see the light of day more than a couple times a year.
The companies that are currently trying to accommodate the consumers current fascination or obsession with Slugs, is an attempt to keep the consumers happy and maintain good sales.
While I can see the benefits of pushing the technology boundaries further and further by trying to incorporate slugs, i am also aware that the things that make a pellet gun attractive to most of us, are becoming jeopardized as FPE continues to increase to the point where they become designated as firearms.
Just my thoughts... right or wrong i own them.