The same pest birds, English house sparrows and starlings that I kill without mercy at my permissions. I have a hard time culling out in my backyard. Here’s the gist, I have five different suet cake stations. Two at 15 yards, two at 35 yards and one at 53 yards. These past few days because of the snow, there have been at least 50+ birds out there at a time. House sparrows and starlings “do” show up and in the past? I have culled many, but of late am having a hard time picking winners and losers. Because of the fact that I am inviting birds to eat and I do enjoy watching them… Heck there were just a dozen starlings at 25 yards! So killing some over others in this instance has become harder for me… Thoughts welcomed. The toughest buggers are the Blue Birds, they are fearless of the bigger birds…