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Resources AAFTA 2025 Rules are Published

Thanks Jeff.

Biggest change jumping out at me is the curved butt pad/plate versus butthook for Hunter. I like the compromise you guys arrived at. The new clarification allows for something more than a flat plate, but also prevents the full-on butt hooks that were slowly creeping into Hunter. I just stepped out to the gunroom to throw a flat edge/tape measure on my various rigs and I'm all good with the inch or less than, as illustrated.

In my opinion, great job on a happy medium.
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Great job, Jeff! (y) It can't be easy herding all the cats, while keeping the handbook as concise as possible to nevertheless address everything that needs addressing.

Although I sometimes... correction, OFTEN joke about the number of pages in the AAFTA handbook, even with my superhuman editing skills I'd be hard-pressed to put it on a diet without creating serious side-effects. 🥶🥵🤢🤮

Gentlemen, we're truly blessed to have strong and effective leadership. 👏
