.22 LR vs .22 slug

I was lusting after a few powder .22 after a visit to a large gunshop. Tika, Bergera,CZ!
But at this $700-$1000 price there are air guns just as capable.
And target ammo is priced higher than premium slugs.
I was convinced I needed to go that way. But I realized it was just the recharging at the range
I just need a bottle for air not a new .22!
And a bottle is cheaper.
This airgun addiction is really interesting.
I watch videos of both,not just fluff ones.
I read forums for both and find that some air guns cost a bit of coin- but so does a Voodoo.
Airgun wins for affordable in think over time
Imagine shooting 100s of shots at .45c or more each target ammo vs .07c for JSB
Slugs can be alot in bigger caliber but .22 is lower than target 22lr by half.
Now to learn about air tanks.
I have a rifle for both......

My custom built up RimX will shoot extremely small groups at 100 yards, and I have never had a problem hitting targets with this rifle.... and for the cost it makes sense!
I also built up a custom RAW HM1000X that I had Martin custom make for me in his shop. Sitting in an MPA chassis and with the slugs I am making in my house, the rifle is a fun shooting rifle. At 100 yards the 100 yards targets are not hard to hit.

The advantage to the air is the ammo is MUCH cheaper! Especially when you are able to make your own ammo and have a compressor to fill your tanks.

Both are fun and both have their place in everyone's safe sure.
I can’t jump on the band wagon here. For me this air gun thing is much more expensive. To shoot enough pellets to make up for the 22lr ammo I would normally shoot is not possible. Fine 22lr rifles ( now I haven’t bought one in a while) are no more and in most cases far less than $1k Airguns that may be judged mid priced. I’ve now spent $1500 a piece on 2 air rifles I would think I could get 2 high end 22lr for that expense. No compressors, water filters, hoses , fittings, various air tanks with valves, etc. Time
22lr, scope, $ 6 CCI standard - shoot
airguns can get way expensive.. especially when high quality optics, compressors, tanks, mods, upgrade parts, and ammo are included. add to that the fact that they can be shot practically anywhere. i’m sure there are lots of people who shoot a tin or two a day. yes there are cheap ammo, but die hard hobbyists don’t settle for less.
i personally think i would spend less money if i were shooting PBs. less range time=money spent on ammo and accompanying parts/repair/upgrades. from my understanding PB also hold their value pretty well.
nice airguns are expensive but it’s my hobby.. it’s up to me to decide whether or not i’m willing to pay up.
I have a Tikka T1X .22lr and I wouldn't trade it for an airgun shooting slugs in a similar capacity. Having an airgun pushing the power levels of a .22lr is not necessarily easy on airguns, especially the boys in south africa pushing those .22 guns very hard. Alot more things going on and defeats the purpose of an airgun to me being able to use it in different situations where a .22lr would be dangerous. I can grab that gun with a couple boxes of ammo and not ever have to worry about refilling my tank. I also shoot SK+ through it with extremely good accuracy. I only paid around 10 cents a round when I bought them so it's not bad. Also sell around 15cents a round now so not bad. Altaros are 20cents a round roughly which are about the only slugs to compare BC wise.

I like having both a .22lr and airguns. 2 different tools for different situations. I know others use them similarly or interchangeably but not me. Everyone can enjoy what they like and I like both.
I don't understand dangerous. Not meant to be conflict,just observation.
Not a pro or anti anything. I have both powder and air.
Just a little pondering about what to buy and why.
I understand. Its dangerous in two ways. First People have different situations and some of us could easily shoot holes in some of the logic here. Two, I'm pretty sure it's in the forum rules that there's no discussion of firearms. People have different reasons for liking different things. PCP vs springers for example will never be settled. PCP vs firearms wont either. The difference is this is an airgun forum for airgun discussion. Mild references to firearms and their ballistics often slip by but I don't think they will tolerate a direct comparison. Frankly I don't care. People are free to do and think what they want. But if the title doesn't flag in a moderator some crybaby will report it.
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I have a Tikka T1X .22lr and I wouldn't trade it for an airgun shooting slugs in a similar capacity. Having an airgun pushing the power levels of a .22lr is not necessarily easy on airguns, especially the boys in south africa pushing those .22 guns very hard. Alot more things going on and defeats the purpose of an airgun to me being able to use it in different situations where a .22lr would be dangerous. I can grab that gun with a couple boxes of ammo and not ever have to worry about refilling my tank. I also shoot SK+ through it with extremely good accuracy. I only paid around 10 cents a round when I bought them so it's not bad. Also sell around 15cents a round now so not bad. Altaros are 20cents a round roughly which are about the only slugs to compare BC wise.

I like having both a .22lr and airguns. 2 different tools for different situations. I know others use them similarly or interchangeably but not me. Everyone can enjoy what they like and I like both.
I have the same Tikka in a MDT stock, mostly shoot CCI standard. Amazingly accurate. Wish I could find SK+. But if I'm shooting a crow up in a tree, I'll grab my Compact Vet 1 .25 instead. Almost as accurate as the Tikka.
Considering that PCPs are encroaching into rimfire and even centerfire territory I think that the OP's post is relevant on an airgun forum.

I'm a strong believer of using the proper tool for the job.

IMHO airguns are ideal for low to moderate power applications at close to medium ranges. Indoor and backyard shooting, plinking, pesting, and hunting small game in areas where a PB would be hazardous to people and property a pellet gun is the ideal tool.

For situations where higher power and longer range is required then it makes practical sense to go to rimfires and centerfires that are designed for that job. That being said, I've spent thousands of rimfire and many hundreds of centerfire rounds plinking tin cans. 😉

Not too long ago typical .22 PCPs put out 30 fpe and were effective out to 50-60 yards, now I have several airguns that double that and there are specialty PCPs that are pushing into rimfire power levels. Fun stuff and great news but these power levels disqualify these airguns from the usual low power environment best suited for pellet guns. My .177 springer kills tin cans just as dead as my 30-06, the centerfire just makes a lot more noise and can do it at longer range. 😁 Nothing wrong with that as long are they are used appropriately. Each to their own.

As far as cost comparisons go I never put a $$$ figure on a hobby... I once saw a spreadsheet where someone tried to figure out the real cost of a pound of venison... DON'T GO THERE! 😳

With rifles/pistols, I've often said that the cost of the gun is insignificant compared to the cost of the ammunition that will be shot with it. Yeah, I shoot a lot. 😊

The cost per shot is easy to calculate for PB's, but how do you analyze that for a PCP? On top of the cost of the pellet/slug, there's an initial outlay for the support infrastructure (tank, compressor, electricity, etc) the maintenance and the working life expectancy. But then one compressor/tank can service many PCPs. 🤔

It's interesting to compare things and to determine the best use of the tools, I do that all the time. Each tool (rifle, pistol, fishing rod etc) is bought for a specific purpose and often there are overlaps in functionality... that gives me a choice. 🙂

Just my 2 cents.
I was lusting after a few powder .22 after a visit to a large gunshop. Tika, Bergera,CZ!
But at this $700-$1000 price there are air guns just as capable.
And target ammo is priced higher than premium slugs.
I was convinced I needed to go that way. But I realized it was just the recharging at the range
I just need a bottle for air not a new .22!
And a bottle is cheaper.
This airgun addiction is really interesting.
I watch videos of both,not just fluff ones.
I read forums for both and find that some air guns cost a bit of coin- but so does a Voodoo.
Airgun wins for affordable in think over time
Imagine shooting 100s of shots at .45c or more each target ammo vs .07c for JSB
Slugs can be alot in bigger caliber but .22 is lower than target 22lr by half.
Now to learn about air tanks.
Welcome to the air gun world(y). I am a hunter and made the switch 5 years ago and never looked back.
I can’t jump on the band wagon here. For me this air gun thing is much more expensive. To shoot enough pellets to make up for the 22lr ammo I would normally shoot is not possible. Fine 22lr rifles ( now I haven’t bought one in a while) are no more and in most cases far less than $1k Airguns that may be judged mid priced. I’ve now spent $1500 a piece on 2 air rifles I would think I could get 2 high end 22lr for that expense. No compressors, water filters, hoses , fittings, various air tanks with valves, etc. Time
22lr, scope, $ 6 CCI standard - shoot
Just think if you live in N.Y. like many do, you go in to buy ammo .22lr and they have to do a background check. The cost is passed on to the buyer $ 2.50 each purchase so you're better off to buy in bulk but now that brings up another problem, shortage and manufactures trying to stay up with demand and in doing so leaves the question of quality control.
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My thoughts are that rimfires are often more stoutly built and less prone to POI shifts. Match grade ammo for these is getting out of hand and will get even higher and is capable of great precision in a match rifle. The bulk ammo is still affordable but doesn't shoot up to my standards except for the most basic of plinking. I have enough match ammo to last me until I go meet my Savior so that's a non issue.

For the airgun once you get a decent compressor filling tanks becomes so cheap it's non issue. And if you swage or cast lead then ammo cost is greatly reduced too. So yes in the long run this saves money if one shoots enough to compensate for the initial investments. For example I can swage 4400 42gr slugs with a 25lb spool of lead which I paid $160 for.

I like all kinds of guns but I shoot the PB's less because of cost. I shoot the airguns more because I can do it on my property and it's cheaper since I've made the aforementioned investment.

As a matter of fact I'll be shooting airguns, rimfires, and centerfires later today. Oh boy, aye?!

This post reminds me to be grateful for my many blessings and in so many ways! Much appreciated Lord!
Just think if you live in N.Y. like many do, you go in to buy ammo .22lr and they have to do a background check. The cost is passed on to the buyer $ 2.50 each purchase so you're better off to buy in bulk but now that brings up another problem, shortage and manufactures trying to stay up with demand and in doing so leaves the question of quality control.
I recently moved out of NY because of many reasons. One of them is constitutional encroachments like that. So many regular tax paying people are moving out of NY they'll only be left with non taxpaying sponges, rich elite and the poor that can't afford to leave. When I moved out of NY, U haul wouldn't rent one way because there was such a disparity in return trips they couldn't get their equipment back. Look I was born, on Long Island, raised a family there and spent all but my last year and half there. I loved the place as a kid and young adult. At 59 all I can say is it's terrible what's happened there. I'm so so glad I'm out. New Yorkers get out if you can.
I was lusting after a few powder .22 after a visit to a large gunshop. Tika, Bergera,CZ!
But at this $700-$1000 price there are air guns just as capable.
And target ammo is priced higher than premium slugs.
I was convinced I needed to go that way. But I realized it was just the recharging at the range
I just need a bottle for air not a new .22!
And a bottle is cheaper.
This airgun addiction is really interesting.
I watch videos of both,not just fluff ones.
I read forums for both and find that some air guns cost a bit of coin- but so does a Voodoo.
Airgun wins for affordable in think over time
Imagine shooting 100s of shots at .45c or more each target ammo vs .07c for JSB
Slugs can be alot in bigger caliber but .22 is lower than target 22lr by half.
Now to learn about air tanks.

No way really can any but the most expensive air rifles hang with a good CZ or even my modded 1022 or Savage Target for accuracy much less fpe. And there are many, many .22LR rifles that will shoot MOA with preferred ammo, have far more knock down power for hunting and cost a fraction of an air rifle that could compete. As to ammo, I have stocked up on .22 ammo my entire life and would need another lifetime to shoot all I have. A .22 PB can go from 30 fpe to 150 fpe with a change of ammo. And a .22 PB is also half the weight of some of the air rifles I see on these forums. A .22 PB will also hold POI in rough real world use even for decades.

I justify my four modded .25 M-Rods and my Urban .22 because pellets just do not travel as far or keep energy as far nor do they seem a ricochet likely as .22LR. They have a niche for my pesting and hunting that is very useful in that 30 to 60 fpe range. They are no replacement for a good .22LR rifle.

This Savage was purchased for $350 with a $50 rebate back aways. I have done a lot of work on it. Re-crowned the barrel, bedded the action, installed DIP bottom metal, target trigger work, smoothed the action and it will shoot MOA all day long with CCI SV and with match grade ammo it is hole on hole.

But this super lightweight, short shroud, side lever M-Rod .25 will go hole on hole also, it is a mean hunting machine:

And on the subject, air rifles depreciate the day you buy it. PB rifles retain their value and even appreciate. I have owned this Marlin Mountie 39A my entire life. My grandfather bought it for me the day I was born. I have been shooting it since age 3, yes, really. It is good today as it was 70 years ago, tell me how an FX will fare over 70 years of real world hunting use, not so well I bet.

Do not make the mistake of thinking an air rifle is on par with a good .22 PB rifle, just no way for so many reasons.
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Just think if you live in N.Y. like many do, you go in to buy ammo .22lr and they have to do a background check. The cost is passed on to the buyer $ 2.50 each purchase so you're better off to buy in bulk but now that brings up another problem, shortage and manufactures trying to stay up with demand and in doing so leaves the question of quality control.
I do live in NY. Was into small bore silhouette and benchrest till about 6 years ago and bought bricks of the best 22 target ammo. Eley Match and Lapua Midas. I gotta get back to it so it’s not wasted.
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I understand. Its dangerous in two ways. First People have different situations and some of us could easily shoot holes in some of the logic here. Two, I'm pretty sure it's in the forum rules that there's no discussion of firearms. People have different reasons for liking different things. PCP vs springers for example will never be settled. PCP vs firearms wont either. The difference is this is an airgun forum for airgun discussion. Mild references to firearms and their ballistics often slip by but I don't think they will tolerate a direct comparison. Frankly I don't care. People are free to do and think what they want. But if the title doesn't flag in a moderator some crybaby will report it.
Maybe you should let it up to the moderators. I don't appreciate everyone being a member of the thought police. Dangerous slope if you believe history.
I have also shot 22lr in my cellar 13 yard range and eliminated a
few squirrels in the backyard with Aguila SSS it’s 60 g subsonic
and from memory was as quiet as my modified Revere 25. That’s
shot with my 1/4 moa 50 yard Sako Quad with Lilja barrel . $900
total less scope.
Im loving the Airguns but for any practical purpose they are inferior
and more expensive and would certainly not be grabbed in time of need
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