.22 LR vs .22 slug

Maybe you should let it up to the moderators. I don't appreciate everyone being a member of the thought police. Dangerous slope if you believe history.
Absolutely, besides thats why there’s forums to discuss. If everyone agreed wouldnt be much more than an a s kissing
When I did a lot of squirrel hunting, I would grab my rifle and ammo and head into the woods. I never gave a thought to whether my rifle would shoot accurately when I needed it. Even with my most robust air rifles I would not have that confidence. The first time I bounced the barrel against a tree I would worry about POI. Granted, that might be more my paranoia that any real deficiency of the rifle, but there it is.
My feet are firmly planted in both worlds. I have airguns so I can shoot in the backyard and basement. No firearm discharge inside city limits, and even tho the basement is private it is inside city limits.
I think the ratio is about 10 to 1. I can buy a .22 PB for about 200 dollars and hit my target at 100 yards. To hit my target at 100 yards with similar authority I'm looking at a 2000 dollar PCP rifle. Not to mention the air supply.
Thank goodness I can choose both!
I was lusting after a few powder .22 after a visit to a large gunshop. Tika, Bergera,CZ!
But at this $700-$1000 price there are air guns just as capable.
And target ammo is priced higher than premium slugs.
I was convinced I needed to go that way. But I realized it was just the recharging at the range
I just need a bottle for air not a new .22!
And a bottle is cheaper.
This airgun addiction is really interesting.
I watch videos of both,not just fluff ones.
I read forums for both and find that some air guns cost a bit of coin- but so does a Voodoo.
Airgun wins for affordable in think over time
Imagine shooting 100s of shots at .45c or more each target ammo vs .07c for JSB
Slugs can be alot in bigger caliber but .22 is lower than target 22lr by half.
Now to learn about air tanks.
The OP's main interest appears to be in rimfire and air rifles in the $700 to $1000 range. In that price range, I don't see any airguns in the same class as a CZ 457 shooting mid-level rf ammo. On the other hand, what's the fun in buying an off the shelf rf rifle that shoots great right out of the box. Instead, buy an airgun, a tank, a midlevel compressor, and all the assorted fittings, hoses, and do-dads. Experience the joys of never-ending maintance and repair - embrace the O-ring, as have I.

I can’t jump on the band wagon here. For me this air gun thing is much more expensive. To shoot enough pellets to make up for the 22lr ammo I would normally shoot is not possible. Fine 22lr rifles ( now I haven’t bought one in a while) are no more and in most cases far less than $1k Airguns that may be judged mid priced. I’ve now spent $1500 a piece on 2 air rifles I would think I could get 2 high end 22lr for that expense. No compressors, water filters, hoses , fittings, various air tanks with valves, etc. Time
22lr, scope, $ 6 CCI standard - shoot
I still mostly like my .22 lr rifles, but... Since a couple or so years ago when I ran out of what I assumed was a lifetime supply of ammo I bought decades ago, I'm pretty pissed. Back in the 80's, I bought cases of a single lot of CCI standard velocity that shot better than the highest dollar match ammo in everything I owned at the time and everything I ever shot it in or owned for decades, not just my rifles but friends match rifles(had lot's of high dollar offers to buy all of my stash, I always told them to F off). I had bought a brick of it, and shot the brick up the same weeikend, went back and cleared out the store, the owner was a friend, and he got on the phone to distributers with the lot number and found many 10's of thousands still out there, I bought them all. Nothing compares to the nearly single digit ES(not quite, but very close) and accuracy of that one lot. I've tried over a dozen lots of cci and between eli, wolf, federal, lapua match loads dozens since I used my last of that lot. Nothing comes close to that one lot from decades ago. My "innaccurate" .22's that used to shoot 0.3 inches at 50 yards now can't shoot under 2/3" at best with any brand/lot of match ammo. My accurate .22's that used to shoot in the low 0.2's at 50 yards with that lot, are now also pushing 2/3" + with anything I feed them. The crazy flyers I get with every lot of CCI I have purchased since running out of that magic lot, regularly puts groups over 1" due to flyers in most of my .22s, barely under in a couple of my more accurate ones. It no longer is a given that my 22lr are always better than my uragan compact, if it truly is calm, the uragan wins, but it takes the smallest puff out of the blue to move the pellets a lot at 50 yards, win still to pb but not by much, not to mention the flyers you get with pellets not attributable to a puff of wind.

Shooting up in trees for pests, pcp all the way, pb cannot compete due to safety issues. Shooting targets at 50 and greater yards, pb wins for me all the time, just more annoying than it was for decades with my magic lot of ammo.
I own both and I pretty much agree with most comments but I can't agree 22 lr is better than a decent airgun. I understand fpe is higher for a pb but for putting holes in paper, especially inside 50 yards the extra fpe doesn't matter. Similarly for tree rats the extra power only adds risk. A 22 or 25 airgun will give DRT results every time with decent placement. More fpe won't cure bad placement. I like my 22lr and have no plans to get rid of it but for my purposes my airguns are more appropriate. I don't see airguns as better either, they are different tools for different uses. I would also argue that there is an air rifle that can do almost anything a 22lr can do. Target work at long range is the exception. For hunting purposes a larger caliber airgun is more desirable for larger targets.
Maybe you should let it up to the moderators. I don't appreciate everyone being a member of the thought police. Dangerous slope if you believe history.
Dude! Thought police, really? Boy do you ever have the wrong guy. Go back and read what I wrote with an open mind. Look I don't give a flying F what you want to do, think or say. I believe you're entitled to that by God and our Constitution. I'm the last person to squash any persons rights to anything but harm my family and property. I was only warning the OP of the futility of the argument and the forum rules the moderators enforce. People have been kicked off of here before and I was trying to explain the rules to the OP for their benefit. NOT to regulate anyone's thoughts or positions. Serves me right for looking out for the guy.

Have a nice day
Dude! Thought police, really? Boy do you ever have the wrong guy. Go back and read what I wrote with an open mind. Look I don't give a flying F what you want to do, think or say. I believe you're entitled to that by God and our Constitution. I'm the last person to squash any persons rights to anything but harm my family and property. I was only warning the OP of the futility of the argument and the forum rules the moderators enforce. People have been kicked off of here before and I was trying to explain the rules to the OP for their benefit. NOT to regulate anyone's thoughts or positions. Serves me right for looking out for the guy.

Have a nice day
Sorry I also took it as a know it all attitude. Most can look out for themselves
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CarlH also mentioned a great point in favor of air guns. Squirrels and birds in trees. A .22 LR does not simply fall to earth. The bullet will assume a long range trajectory and is dangerous a mile away or more where Jill and Suzy are playing. Firing bullets (not pellets) in to the air. If not exactly straight up, the bullet will assume a trajectory. Bigger PB's can do serious damage from miles away when bullets are fired in to the air.
CarlH also mentioned a great point in favor of air guns. Squirrels and birds in trees. A .22 LR does not simply fall to earth. The bullet will assume a long range trajectory and is dangerous a mile away or more where Jill and Suzy are playing. Firing bullets (not pellets) in to the air. If not exactly straight up, the bullet will assume a trajectory. Bigger PB's can do serious damage from miles away when bullets are fired in to the air.
I do agree with Karl about what I might shoot in the trees but part of the discussion is that air is getting or at the same power,
that is approaching standard velocity 22lr 40 g bullets. So if Thats being done I see no difference in where the pellet,slug, or bullet will fall. Even if shooting 24 g pellets they will come down.
I shoot air guns because I can shoot it in my basement. I can zero my air gun in my basement and use a ballistics calculator and still have very accurate results. If I want to do that with a firearm, I will have to go to the range and most indoor range in my area are no farther than 50 yards. Also if I want a new air gun or sell an air gun, I can ship/receive it very easily. I guess what I'm saying is it is very convenient for me and checks all my boxes. (Yes, I use air guns to hunt small game)
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I have both and shoot both. I prefer airguns due to the ongoing challenges I face with getting small groups reliably at distance.
I’m totally agreeing with you at this point in time. Who knows this summer or next.
Back in November when I had only the zelos and Revere I was shooting in cellar. I was
pretty impressed with the groups. So just to confirm I got my silhouette, sporter bench
rest 22lr out . This is a bench winner over actual bench guns ( anshutz, win 52s ) .
its a Sako quad with Lilja barrel shooting Eley Match. It reminded me of how good a rifle can
be. Only shot 10 shots but was a single round as close to bullet diameter as paper will show
hole. I’m sure that’s common for many here. I get close with the air guns I have but as of yet
nothing as perfect or consistent.
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Frankly I don't care. People are free to do and think what they want. But if the title doesn't flag in a moderator some crybaby will report it.
Yep. With the great advent of the internet, people were supposed to become much more intelligent.
Instead, that worked in reverse. Consequently, it gave some of the worlds most stupid people a voice. It then unleashed an unfathomably large swarm of crybabies and tattletales.
My actually point of my original post was that getting a bottle is my way.
Getting a few hundred shots at the range is now easy and less than quality rimfire ammo.
The bottle is an expensive addition but convenience and saved time add up to the win.
As long as I can buy a quality air gun with a wood stock I'm happy.
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As soon as you give an opposing view the haters pop out. They usually aren't willing to discuss something where maybe you both learn a little, they are right you are wrong
Dude! Thought police, really? Boy do you ever have the wrong guy. Go back and read what I wrote with an open mind. Look I don't give a flying F what you want to do, think or say. I believe you're entitled to that by God and our Constitution. I'm the last person to squash any persons rights to anything but harm my family and property. I was only warning the OP of the futility of the argument and the forum rules the moderators enforce. People have been kicked off of here before and I was trying to explain the rules to the OP for their benefit. NOT to regulate anyone's thoughts or positions. Serves me right for looking out for the guy.

Have a nice day
Then you might have done it in a pm.
For me i need a simple powerful pcp in .22 cal for Pa small game regulations..Using used Airforce Condors with trajectron high power condor valve $100.00 bucks or doug noble valve with heavy hammer 110 gram heavy spring and a $70.00 dollar Chazsel .222 cal 12 twist 22 lr barrel liner 28 inchs..I cast all my slugs at $1.25 a pound...I can hit 1285fps pretty easy with 36 grain .223 NSA slugs...46 grains at 1100 fps..and a 52 grain cast slug at 1050fps..I need something simple relible and powerful... light..