Let’s talk ergonomics and/or maybe just feel for a second.

I currently own 4 PCPs, all in .22, and all in bullpup configuration. They are an EDgun R3M, an FX Wildcat( Mk1 heavily modified), an FX Impact (M3 compact) and an AGT Uragan2 (700mm) that I recently got from Derrick Wall. For some reason, off which I am sure many of you will understand, I’m wanting to add a new gun. All I know at this point, is that it won’t be a .22 bullpup. I do prefer short guns and obviously favor bullpups, I just don't need another In .22. So three things kinda blow my skirt up and they’re just as different as can be. I love the idea of a short Vixen as has been discussed recently in a couple of threads, but in .177 for lower noise and more shots. An FX King (GRS version) in just about any caliber would be wildly different than anything I currently own. And JaceSpace1369’s .30 Vulcan3 in the classified section really gets me going.
So this brings me to my dilemma, and my reference to ergos and feel in the thread title. See, of my 4 current guns, the two FX just have a feel that make me want to hold and shoot them. The Wildcat shoulders and points like a dream, and the cocking ergonomics and vault like solidity and smoothness of my Impact really bring a smile to my face. My U2 on the other hand doesn’t come close when it comes to these things. I know that once I’ve had the opportunity to put in some trigger time with it, its other attributes (huge power and accuracy with heavy slugs) win me over, but I haven’t yet fallen in love. This honestly is what’s keeping me from reaching out on that beautiful Vulcan or from ordering a new Vixen. The King is beautiful and will likely provide some of the feel I love about my other FX guns, but the length of a traditional rifle might detract some. For reference, almost all of my powder burning rifles are registered SBRs, and I keep eyeing some of the ones that aren’t thinking that I should do the paperwork to make them 6 to 8 inches shorter. Did I mention that I like compact guns?
The purpose of my long winded thread is not to ask you good folks what I should do or how I should spend my money, though if you have a strong opinion, lay it on me baby, I’ll listen. I’m really wanting to hear stories and experiences from those who maybe have been in a similar position. Have you ever come out of your comfort zone only to be glad you did, or did you find it to be to your detriment? Short gun aficionados who found love and warmth in the embrace of a long gun, tell me your tale. Vice versa? Or what about learning that what you thought might not have been a good fit, turned out to be something that just took some getting used to, and now everything else seems weird. Yep. Specifics work too. Did your AGT gun become the love of your life only after a few dates? While we’re on specifics, (though like I said, I'm NOT ASKING) if you wanna just tell me I'm an idiot for not buying JaceSpace1369’s Vulcan 3, fire that right at me too. Unless you’re JaceSpace1369 of course.

Ok, even if you’re JaceSpace1369 you can tell me that. 😁
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Ergonomics and 'feel' of a gun absolutely plays a big part. I have no preference long guns vs shorter, but have concentrated most of my purchases in the last few years on the shorter configuration guns.

Only way to know where your boundaries are is to push them. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Several years ago, I got a brand new Uragan. The gun was accurate, reliable and beautiful. But... it just didnt feel right to me and I ended up trading it. I couldnt pinpoint where the issue was, but it just didnt fit me. I traded on an Impact and the Impact felt right.

I dont think finding what fits you will ruin everything else though. Much depends on application. Off a bench, the long gun wont feel long at all.

Bottom line is if you're lusting over the V3, grab it. If it dont tickle your pickle, throw it right back up on the classifieds and someone else will grab it!
I had a Vixen in 177 and thought it was loud for what it was. After shooting that rifle during a few ground squirrel hunts I sold it. I liked my Daystate Huntsman much better. I do have a vulcan 3 in 22 from zx10Wall tuned for slugs and it is quiet and easy to shoot. That gun will stay with me for a long long time.

As of now my favorite platform is the BRK ghost.

Tony P.
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I'm 6'3" and have had several bullpups through the years and ended up selling every one. I just can't get behind one and be comfortable! Just not natural to me always having to cock my head in a weird way to get the can't right even at the bench. Traditional style long guns just fit and not always having to look at a bubble to make sure I'm on is a big thing in the hunting and pesting that I mostly do.
The FX King I just bought a couple months ago is awesome! Have the synthetic version and even though some think it's kinda ugly it fits my style to a tea.
Also have HW100 and a Huntsman Regal
That fit my niche very well! It's all about what works for you in the end.
Due to the ergonomic of the short PCP rifles I have owned, I have went back to spring piston rifles. They are heavier but hold much steadier then the short and light PCP. I find the Beeman R9/HW95 to be nearly perfect as to ergonomics. Yes, I've given up power, magazines, and a smooth firing cycle for a rifles that just feel like a rifle should. I should also mention that I am old style being 79, so take this in perspective.
I owned only bull pups at first because I preferred the shorter platform.
Two Pantheras later and a Cutlass and I find myself trending toward traditional rifle platforms.
I am very fond of my M3’s and the Maverick in fact I grab the Maverick more often than the Impacts when going afield.
If my Panthera Compact Hunter was not a 30 cal it would take the Maverick‘s place.
I am just finding the rifle platform more comfortable and natural feeling. Maybe 50+ years of traditional PB rifle shooting has something to do with it.
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Because of my history with traditional rifles, I have never liked the bullpup platform, and for the same reasons their proponents love them. That said, I have Taipan Veteran 1 which I like very much. Although its short, stubby feel isn't my preference, it's such a simple, solid rifle, and with a great trigger, it's just too good not to like. So yes, I'm glad I stretched past my comfort on this one.
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I think that the high center of gravity relative to the pistol grip combined with the scope sitting about an inch higher than on a traditional rifle are what give a bullpup it’s awkward feel compared to a traditional rifle.

I notice that the Huben K1 seems to minimize both and seems to handle more like a traditional rifle than other bullpups I have shot. I’m not necessarily recommending it for the OP, just passing on my observations about bullpups.
Another thing I have noticed on military bullpups is that they tend to have a ridiculously long length of pull. Whereas your average traditional rifle might have a 13.5” LOP, a military bullpup will often have a LOP of 17” or more and this is something that can only by made worse by body armor, chest rigs, mopp gear and all the other stuff soldiers have to deal with.

On a military rifle I can see where having to locate the entire action behind the pistol grip necessitates this, but it’s still far from ideal. I remember first seeing pictures of the Chinese QBZ bullpup and thinking just how awkward it must be for soldiers that average around 5’7” wearing body armor and winter clothing.
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Don't...count on a .177 being quieter than a .22 !

I have a pair of rifles, same brand, same model, same barrel length, shooting about the same feet per second.
Guess which one is louder. Hint...it's NOT the .22 !

While overall loudness is somewhat subjective, the .177 has more of a "crack" to it's shots, than the .22 does.

Good point. My modded Wildcat sets the bar awfully high for quietness. People who hear it dry fired have a hard time imagining that pellets would clear the barrel, yet it’s shooting JSB 18s at just over 850. Against that figurative measuring stick, I’d likely be disappointed.
I do not like to compromise anymore on comfort.Seems all my guns need adjustable buttpads,I want a left handed cocking lever in the middle of the rifle.I like carbines or short rifle with wood ,the Bullpups need to meet my above qualifications.Almost all good quality airguns are accurate enough.
The better the fit ,the easier it should be to shoot accurate.
For the most part we are all different in some ways about fit,so it becomes very personal,another reason the rifle better have adjustability.
The older we get ,the more we become less adjustable:ROFLMAO:
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I'm not big on most "tactical" guns. I really like the feel & aesthetics of furniture. Classic rifle styling just does it for me. I've lightened my stance on that a bit ever since I was gifted an FX Bobcat MK1 from a friend (Thanks Nick, Socaloldman). It's the ugliest gun I have but the accuracy is amazing & I've really gotten to like the feel of it. My absolute favorites of any guns I've ever shot are my FX Royale 500 (.25) & FX Boss (.30). Essentially the same gun in different calibers. They have become like an extension of my body. In Matt Dubber's "FX Royale, a fantastic all purpose PCP" video from years ago, even he stated that even if he were blind, the feel of the gun is near perfect. There's just something about the balance of the gun & feel of the thumbhole stock (mine are wood, not synthetic) that fits me perfectly! NO other gun I've tried has come close. They're becoming harder & harder to acquire which, imho, is a shame because as pellet shooters go they can stand toe to toe with the best of them. (Picture front to back, Bobcat, Royale, Boss)
Grs is beautiful, but long is always long. I love the look of regular rifles but the longest rifle i have is a 34in Leshiy2, a King in 500mm is over 40, no mod. My Impact compact is 29in with mod, my P35x is 32in with a long mod, and a Kuzey i have on the way is 32in with a mod as well. Everytime.i get a long pretty gun, the broom handle affect always gets me, i almost clip the ceiling fan and doorways with it, then i get rid of it. I totally understand your dilema. FX cocking and egonomics is very hard to beat.
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I'm 6'2" with long arms and XL hands. No stock gun is a good fit. I need a LOP over 14 inches to be comfortable and if I don't do something about the grip I'm pulling the trigger with the middle of my trigger finger. So I modify stocks or make new ones. All my PBS are conventional but as soon as I tried a bullpup I bought 3 more. My next may be a carbine but nothing over 36 inches for me. Long guns just feel awkward. I can shoot them I just like the feel of short guns. Doesn't need to be under 30 inches but 4 feet is much too long for me.
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