What springer did you shoot today?

Pull out the VZ 35 for some military bolt action action

VZ 35 Lhs.jpg
Crow -- Friendly suggestion.

You might want to read this:

And file a missing mail search here:

This may get them moving on it. Otherwise, it may never move.

There's no guarantee it will help. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. But if it's been sitting somewhere that long, it probably needs a little push.
Thanks. Your a wealth of knowledge. Appreciate the concern. Crow
I understand about the wind. Back in 1991 I was posted to a contingency hospital in the UK for Desert Storm. It was bitter cold one day and started snowing, so they decided to send us back to the area where we were housed, about 30 miles from the actual hospital, an old RAF training base. Everything, was set up in a couple of large hangers, surgery, med surgical ward and orthepedic wards, my pharmacy was in the old armory building because it was the only one with a vault inside and bars on the windows.
We went out to the normal area to wait for the busses, a field tent about 60 feet long, and open at both ends. Snow was blowing in one end and out the other. I had a friend , a bit older than me and I was one of the older ones at about 46 years old. He was rapidly developing hypothermia and shaking bad. They finally told everyone to go to the dining hall which also had a large upstairs and was heated. That wind was brutal. Snow was coming down and swirling so bad in one area on the way back the busses had to stop because the drivers could not see the road just in front of the bus. I think that was what they called a whiteout, brilliant white everywhere and nothing to see, scary for an old southern boy.
We’re on the down slide now, spring is near. Crow
Crow - If you'd like to guarantee you'll get them, and quickly, or when you've given up all hope of ever receiving them, pray to St. Phanurios, and pray for the soul of his mother. And when your airguns arrive -- and they will -- have your wife bake a really nice sweet of some sort -- any kind of sweet, but preferably one that will travel well -- and send it to us. We'll offer it to St. Phanurios at our Divine Liturgy with some special prayers of thanksgiving. Guaranteed to work. And he helps with other things beside lost articles, too. But that's what he's best known for, and for very good reason.

Especially when you pray for his mother, and offer him a sweet.

Morning shoot, no wind. 19F and a strong sun, perfect. Amazing how strong the sun is.
First up, a HW97kt .177. Love my thumbholes. This one will get a full power spring. The blue lam .177 has a 12 FPE spring.
The HW50 .22 almost caused me to miss my lunch. ( not a chance ) Best plinker. The 125 yr. is .22 as well.
Destroyed a can with Hades rounds.
‘The only problem I have is I never wear a hat. But have to wear one because I’m facing south. I don’t know how many times when the gun recoils, the scope hits the peak of my hat. I’m developing a dent in my forehead. Crow
Morning shoot, no wind. 19F and a strong sun, perfect. Amazing how strong the sun is.
First up, a HW97kt .177. Love my thumbholes. This one will get a full power spring. The blue lam .177 has a 12 FPE spring.View attachment 540682The HW50 .22 almost caused me to miss my lunch. ( not a chance ) Best plinker. The 125 yr. is .22 as well.View attachment 540686Destroyed a can with Hades rounds.
‘The only problem I have is I never wear a hat. But have to wear one because I’m facing south. I don’t know how many times when the gun recoils, the scope hits the peak of my hat. I’m developing a dent in my forehead. Crow
The brim of your hat should rest on top of the scope to cover and block the light out. But most times it just touches the scope end and gets kicked back off your head..lol. 🤕
Afternoon shoot getting brrr with sun diving behind trees. Shot the best looker, a Pro Sport .177
has the flip dust covers I would like to change to elastic. I find they get caught sitting at bench. But what a gun. Has a TbT spring. No problem consecutively ringing a bell through a 1 inch hole, 47 yds. So tempted to get another for a 12 FPE spring.
Last the HW50 .20, irresistible.
Hades tin can, trouble for tin can. Crow
I shot the 97K and the HW30 today. Couple of upgrades on the 97K's Sightron, I added a sunshade which helped a lot with wash out when facing the sun, I also installed a bubble level as well, tomorrow I have some butler creek flip up's
coming for it, so I'll see how that goes.

The HW30 previously got my old BKL 12 way bubble level and it's working good on it.

So today's first shots from the cold guns out in the cold at 20 yards shows some differences.
The 97K pretty much one holed a 5 shot group with the first five shots. This could be related to the o-ring piston seal not as affected by the cold
or hot temps. The HW30 with its factory parachute seal didn't settle down until about the 3rd group or 15 shots. There's also a chance it could be parallax error switching from one scope to the next. I'll have to test again later.

Both guns are zeroed at 40 yards so I didn't have the correct hold under at 20 yards until I shot a few groups.✌🏻
Thanks. Crow

Thanks John.
How’s the thumbhole working out?
Working Great…funny, I use it for the Open class in Field Target, and use a thumbs up grip…I only use the thumb hole when I move it from it’s case to my rifle caddy…so much for my planning..thanks for remembering. John
Shot the new pro sport in today for some 30-50 ish shots.

Beautiful gun. Had the luxury to pick out of 4 walnut stocks. This is .22 full power one (21-23J).

Cocks like a b*tch but shoots ultra smooth.

Wil likely tune in the future for a bit more smoother cocking cycle.


Also shot the hw30 which is new but def needs a tune. Bucks like a bull compares to that pro sport 😂.

