Any Connecticut airgunners out there if so where is a good place to shoot besides your house, are there any ranges that people shoot airguns here.

I'm on the shoreline east of New Haven. You can shoot airguns at any of the ranges in which I am a member (Niantic Sportsmen's Club and Guilford Sportsmen's Club). To the best of my knowledge all of the ranges around here allow airguns, and pretty much any type of projectile firing weapon up to a certain size (typically 50 BMG is not allowed due to backstop penetration). None that I know of have a minimum FPE or FPS requirement so I can't see why any of them would have a problem with airguns.

However, with the exception of The Blue Trail Range, almost all of the ones I know are members clubs, so you can't shoot there unless you are a member or invited by, and in the presence of, a member.
Watertown area ahoot in my yard with suppressors as I have near by neighbors

