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Results MRA FT Match Report for 2/22/25

The day started with cold temps around 15 degrees and warmed up to 38 degrees by the end of the Match. We had four brave souls come out to shoot in the cold and give some of the winter's FT itch a little scratch knocking down some targets. John and I started to set up the sight-in range early and finished by 8:15 am and then went out to clear some of the snowpacks from the targets as well as the target numbers. Not too long after we started to set up the Tran family showed up, Koah and Koah Jr helped in the effort to get the strings to the firing line and get ready to have some fun.

We set up 20 lanes for a total of 80 shots, shooting the 2 shots per target format. We decided to shoot the middle of the course which is the hardest part of the course in my opinion. We got things started around 9:30 am, John was borrowing my Daystate Red Wolf LPR and I was shooting my Thomas FT, the winds in the early morning were tricky, switching around and often going the opposite direction of the wind indicated from the firing line, with barren trees and the frozen landscape it was very hard to tell what the wind was doing past 20 yards. The only wind indicator was the Sun reflecting off the icy snow creating a mirage in the distance behind the targets, it made committing to hold off harder than usual. By the time we were halfway done the match the Sun was out making it feel much warmer and the wind started to pick a predominant direction making things a bit easier to predict. Things went smoothly with only 2 cold lines called, in which the strings were wrapped around the target. All in all we had a great day and when we finished shooting the 4 of us wrapped up all the strings and tucked them under the targets until the next match this spring!

The Scores for the Day

Matt Sawyer 59/80 Thomas FT March 5-40x56 AA 8.4 .177 WFTF PCP

John Eroh 53/80 Daystate LPR Night Force 7-35x56 AA 8.4 .177 WFTF PCP

Koah Sr 28/72 FX DR 5 Falcon 10-50x60 JSB 10.3 1.77 Hunter PCP

Koah Jr 42/72 FX DR 5 Falcon 10-50x60 JSB 10.3 1.77 Hunter PCP

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Nice report and great photo's. I had a better time at this match versus last month. Thanks again for letting me borrow the LPR.
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