Prism scope on a spring gun ?????

Having recently sold my Brocock Ranger , I found myself with an extra optic. Not much action in the classified ads for a 4x prism scope . I contacted Athlon and asked if this particular scope would hold up on a lower powered springer (HW 30). They replied that it would indeed work and that there should be no issues. I mounted a spare Eagle vision dovetail to Picitinny rail and mounted the scope. This scope is a natural for off hand shooting at 20 to 30 yards. Just a heads up to any that may have one of these scopes spare , you might want to give it a try. Unfortunately , at 68 , my eyes won't let me shoot iron sights , but this gets the job done. That's my story and I'm sticking with it .

Having recently sold my Brocock Ranger , I found myself with an extra optic. Not much action in the classified ads for a 4x prism scope . I contacted Athlon and asked if this particular scope would hold up on a lower powered springer (HW 30). They replied that it would indeed work and that there should be no issues. I mounted a spare Eagle vision dovetail to Picitinny rail and mounted the scope. This scope is a natural for off hand shooting at 20 to 30 yards. Just a heads up to any that may have one of these scopes spare , you might want to give it a try. Unfortunately , at 68 , my eyes won't let me shoot iron sights , but this gets the job done. That's my story and I'm sticking with it .

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Lets see. you asked the manufacturer. They said..."yes, it will indeed work" (in red above).
What else do you want ? Answers from people that are...guessing ?

Most all...current dot sight, prism sight, scopes are all designed, and tested to be used on high powered rifles and pistols. Just because a "springer" has a small back and forth motion, is this a problem ?

Many ask the...same...question (see the "Search" function), the same comments can be read.

So...why the question ?

Lets see. you asked the manufacturer. They said..."yes, it will indeed work" (in red above).
What else do you want ? Answers from people that are...guessing ?

Most all...current dot sight, prism sight, scopes are all designed, and tested to be used on high powered rifles and pistols. Just because a "springer" has a small back and forth motion, is this a problem ?

Many ask the...same...question (see the "Search" function), the same comments can be read.

So...why the question ?

I just want to thank you for your insightful reply. The beauty of this forum is that more knowledgeable people , like yourself , so selflessly interject their experience and endless expertise , so that we may all benefit from it. You are truly a treasure and one of many reasons why I cherish this forum so much ! Keep up the good work .
I put a red dot on a springer and it lasted for 3 shots.
I keep telling people...stop...buying CHEAP tools !!!

Spend a little more money. A "good" quality dot sight, will outlive the mechanism of the spring power cylinder...period.

Check some YouTube videos. Here's one...

He "drops" them on hard surfaces, ALL of his dot sights as part of his testing.

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