Explain to me how Ted is able to shoot like this and hit the mark everytime.. ive been getting fliers indoors (12yrds).. not like ragged hole groups, like 2 through the same hole than 1 an inch off.. pellets: 177, Crosman Ultra Magnums 10.5, Norma 9.1, Norma 8.4, Crosman HP 7.9 All washed, weighed and inspected.. Rest: Offhand artillery hold, rested artillery hold, forearm or bag/holding rear, bipod/holding forearm, bipod/holding rear, front on solid rest/rear on bag.. Hold: tight or loose front hand or trigger hand.. Current Tune: 2000psi 820 fps 10.5g ES-23 SD-7.. 3 12rd mags.. Barrel: before and after cleaning and improving existing crown.. ETC. I am not an amateur, i started on break barrels for years and have a pretty good understanding of what im doing/how things work.. That being said, short range fliers like im getting, i dont buy it being caused by heartbeat, breathing, trigger pull, inconsistent hold and so on..
Ted has a bipod and the rear resting on a bag, one hand on the gun, sitting on the ground.. That leads me to believe there are alot more technical issues that are being over looked, causing fliers and blamed on the shooter.. SO, what are those technical issues? Tell me how you fixed/greatly reduced fliers on a gun.. How can Ted just casually glance down at the scope cam, hold on target and hit the mark everytime? multiple times the distance im shooting..
Meanwhile my hatsan at-44 10qe puts them in the same whole for the past 2000+ rounds, weather i take my time and focus on my shot process or try to shoot multiple targets quickly (i dont do that often i was just testing how bad it would shoot, but it didnt..) its almost boring to shoot because no matter what its right on.
It doesnt matter how good the shooter is if the gun isnt doing its part as well.. I am far from the best shooter, but Im confident those wild fliers are not me.. So what are the causes for them? in my rifle or yours.. I want to talk solutions, things that have fixed them.. not hear your negative comments and insults to make you feel good because YOUR gun is shooting "crack on" right now lol
Gotta love ted..