What springer did you shoot today?

UPS can also suck. I have orderd some watches from a company in Madrid, Spain. If I place the order early in their day I will sometimes receive it late the next day in E Texas, via UPS international air. I have also odered items from a vendor only a couple of hundred miles away and it might take a week via UPS. My pet peeve with UPS is that often they will have an estimated delivery date, for mid to late week, it will arrive at the local distribution center, Tyler, Tx and they will simply hold it several days and then deliver on that estimated date. Right now they seem to be doing good, I had a repaired air rifle delivered this afternoon, It came from south central Tennessee, near the Alabama state line, It was shipped Tuesday afternoon, two days after it was picked up. Just wait until Nov-Dec and see the performance level drop off though.
UPS can mess up too. But its rare. USPS lately has been terribly late with every letter and package. It's not just me either. Everyone in northern AR and southern MO is experiencing this.
UPS gets crazy sending small parts. They wanted $35 to ship a small trigger parts that I was giving away. I shipped it with usps for $5.
You're doin UPS wrong then. It was $19 cheaper to ship my last rifle tune with UPS than USPS. Use Pirateship.com. I wouldn't ship a customers rifle with USPS if they were $19 cheaper than UPS.
You're doin UPS wrong then. It was $19 cheaper to ship my last rifle tune with UPS than USPS. Use Pirateship.com. I wouldn't ship a customers rifle with USPS if they were $19 cheaper than UPS.
You mustn't have read my post.
I wanted to give a small trigger part To someone on this forum. I put it in a small box, set it on the counter at UPS, and the man says you'll probably want to take that to the post office, because it's $35. For us to ship it. I did and USPS charged $5.
You mustn't have read my post.
I wanted to give a small trigger part To someone on this forum. I put it in a small box, set it on the counter at UPS, and the man says you'll probably want to take that to the post office, because it's $35. For us to ship it. I did and USPS charged $5.
I read it. And responded accordingly
UPS is a business. USPS is a government program. The same day I ordered that barrel from AOA, I ordered two Hw30s from Krale. Three days later UPS delivered the rifles from another continent to my door in rural Arkansas. It took the postal service three weeks to get the barrel from Arizona to my PO box. That's the difference between private industry and government efficiency.
Don't get me started
Well I'm not shipping guns and I'm pretty sure you would have mailed this part USPS.
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I'm not saying were wrong. I probably would have as well. My point was you went the wrong route to use UPS in the first place. I simply offered you a better route to use UPS in the future. Pirateship gives you the rate for both carriers. You can use either. I almost always choose UPS as they're service is invariably better and usually cheaper through pirateship. UPS cost $70 to ship a rifle over the counter. Pirateship is half that. Similar savings on small packages as well.
Very nice. Custom stock? What power are you running it at?
I got it here from the classifieds, the seller doesn't know the stock maker, but it's very heavy, looks like curly maple, nicely made. It's pushing JBS 13.7s at 676 fps which works out to 13.9 fpe. Super smooth and quiet. Very accurate.
I also love my Pro Sport, have both cal. and as well both for TX’s and TX hunter’s.
If you’re finding the PS tough to jack, the TX Hunter I find heavy. I just shot both rifles last 2 days and that’s what I noticed. I like the looks of the Hunter better, but prefer TX for that reason. I sit and shoot at a table.
I just got some spring sets. 5 were 12 FP. I thought only for .177.
How do you like the Pro Sport .22 with a 12 FP spring?
I decided to get a 16J kit for the pro sport from TBT, but currently trying to get a tony leach kit with the man himself. Otherwise it will be TBT.

Unless anyone can recommend me vortek..

Biggest things with those kits is that they replace everything for polymer plastic aka Delrin..

I am also going to get another gun this week!

Tx200HC, 100% 16 joules..

still doubting .177 or .22..

I love my '22's, I only have a HW30 right now in 177 with a tinbum on the way..

What would ya'll recommend there?
I have a .177 TX200 with a 16 joule kit (aka 12 fpe) and it is one of my most pleasurable and accurate rifles to shoot. It has a Vortek kit but TbT will also be excellent. That's what I have in my .22 Prosport. My .177 HW30 is also amazing, original parts but I did take it apart and clean all the crappy grease off and replaced it with Krytox, did a bit of deburring. It is so smooth that I didn't feel a need for a kit. But with the TX200 you can't go wrong, and as @crowski would say, why not both? :) We are all enablers here...
I have a .177 TX200 with a 16 joule kit (aka 12 fpe) and it is one of my most pleasurable and accurate rifles to shoot. It has a Vortek kit but TbT will also be excellent. That's what I have in my .22 Prosport. My .177 HW30 is also amazing, original parts but I did take it apart and clean all the crappy grease off and replaced it with Krytox, did a bit of deburring. It is so smooth that I didn't feel a need for a kit. But with the TX200 you can't go wrong, and as @crowski would say, why not both? :) We are all enablers here...
I recon you have the steel vortek kit?

Do you have the 'plastic' tbt kit in your pro sport?

How's the difference in shot cycle and twang as they are essentially the same inner works stock? :)

very tempted to go for .177 with the brain but my heart is pulling me to .22 haha
@Djrs1994 That rifle was purchased from the classifieds here, I haven't opened it since it was already sublime. Doubtful that it was the newer steel cylinder since the rifle was tuned years ago. I did however recently place a new Vortek kit into my HW50. It was the steel cylinder and was quite pricey (130 at AoA, a bit cheaper at Pyramid). It works beautifully. From my limited experience, both TbT and Vortek solve the "boing" or "twang". The Prosport has a TbT "maxi" kit and has a Delrin tophat and spring guide. It was really simple to install and works great. It did lower its fpe from 14.8 to 13.3 and changed its favorite pellet from the JTS 18.1 to the JTS 16.1. But it is smooth and stable.
On topic: It was a windy day. Was supposed to be a PCP precision 30/40 yd card day but...when life gives you lemons, what do you do? That's right, you shoot springers! My newest rifle, an HW .20 95 with a walnut stock. Very accurate, still breaking it in. I haven't opened it yet, but soon. And here is a picture of what I do for fun reactive targets. You guys have some amazing ranges, but I have to set mine up and remove it every time. So 4x4's with silhouettes tied on. I can put them anywhere from 50 meters and less. This is a photo of the turkeys at 40 yards and the rams at 45..