Umarex Retirement is getting expensive

I was forceably retired, actually "laid off" about 13 years ago also, About 3 months shy of full social security age. I did something I never thought I would do, got unemployment for a couple of months until I got lined up with a staffing agency and started doing relief work as a pharmacist. At first I was working a lot of full days plus some half days on Saturdays, but now have slowed down at age 79 to just half days. Been having some knee problems, so do not want to stand too much
Today shopped around and got a new Gehmann adjustable iris for the FWB602 I just finished fixing up, and an adjustable palmrest so I can stand up and shoot better.
I was “laid off” at age 56 and part of the deal was my health benefits would be subsidized until I reached 65. I leaped at the opportunity. I also started Social Security at age 62. Every month you put it off is closer to your end and the government keeps your money. They lure you to put off taking benefits until 67 with a few bucks a month.
You guys are scaring me. I've been buying, modifying, accessorizing, for the last six years in anticipation of retirement. My thinking is I've got everything I need set up like I want it, now I can finally just shoot my collection. Are you telling me that's not how it works?😅Anticipating one year to retirement, now I'm confused.🤔
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I think if I remember correctly, Remington and crossman and Schofield interchangeable.. 1 basic cartridge .. the new cartridges for the Schofield or Barra lever action load from the rear like the Colt SAA
Colt SAA and legends lever action interchangeable between each other .. but different from the crossman style.. but I also read that the BB cartridges are a different ID than the pellet cartridges..if I remember correctly the BB version has a smaller bore for a little bit more velocity shooting BB'S..if so I think it would be more accurate with pellets shooting from pellet cartridges than BB cartridges..
love seeing your pics and interested in what you think of each model
I just got the legends yesterday, but so far, love it. Quite accurate for a smooth bore. I tried several different pellets in the BB cartridges, all worked fine and didn't seem to effect accuracy. The Remington is a very nice pistol. Smooth bore, advertised to shoot both BB's and pellets. However, I have discovered it is much more accurate with BB's. I'm sure do to the smooth bore. My only negative is the grips. I wish they gave other options. The plastic ivory look is very slippery and hard to hold on to at times.
The Crosman SNR357 has surprised me. Very nice weight and nice to shoot. It shoots dual ammo as well, but much better with pellets. It also packs quite a punch for a smooth bore snub-nose. I've been using the crosman "fast flights", which fit well in the cartridges. They go clean through a regular size tuna can (unopened) at 20 ft with no hesitation. Didn't think it would have that much penetration.
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You guys are scaring me. I've been buying, modifying, accessorizing, for the last six years in anticipation of retirement. My thinking is I've got everything I need set up like I want it, now I can finally just shoot my collection. Are you telling me that's not how it works?😅Anticipating one year to retirement, now I'm confused.🤔
Been retired going on 10 years now. Never had time for all my activities, interests and projects when I was working. For some strange reason I still don't have enough time for all the things I want to do. 🤔

Don't miss working, the commute or the office politics at all. First thing I did was to take off my watch and pitch it as far as I could, haven't worn one since 😁

Never bored, always new things to learn.
The only time I carry my cell phone is if I leave the house without Betty Lou. It sits on my chair side table and I check it now and then. I carried a company phone for years. I hated that thing. I never did wear a watch.
Our only child, a son and his family live about 350 miles away as does my only sister, so I keep my cell phone with me all the time. I'll be 80 in about six months and have been wearing a watch since I was 12 or 13. in fact that is another rabbit hole, collecting watches. in fact have one that is rather unique. It is a brand not well known here in the us, but I did find it is now a high end brand in Europe, Eloga( think that's correct spelling), but this one is not high end, rather plain and simple. My wife and I were on a tour with our chapel from Izmir, Turkey back in early 1974 to Israel. One morning we had a chance to "swim" in the Dead Sea. My wife was wading in the shallows and felt something, reached down and pulled out this watch. We went up and rinsed it off with fresh water. No one claimed it and I still have it. I have never had it serviced or cleaned and it still runs and keeps good time.
Been retired going on 10 years now. Never had time for all my activities, interests and projects when I was working. For some strange reason I still don't have enough time for all the things I want to do. 🤔

Don't miss working, the commute or the office politics at all. First thing I did was to take off my watch and pitch it as far as I could, haven't worn one since 😁

Never bored, always new things to learn.
I know what you mean. I thought I would have all this extra time on my hands, yet seems like I'm busier now. It's only been 5 months for me, still figuring it out. But I am enjoying the extra time shooting and hunting.
Congratulations are being able to retire… Am happy to see that retirees can still shoot as if they were but boys…🙏 The Umarex Legend looks sweet and fun to shoot…
Yes, it's a blast to shoot. Also really impressed with the detail they put into it. Also looks good on the wall for show.

Cowboy guns.jpg
I was retired early at the tender age of 50, it would seem that 34 years of working hard and educating yourself, while having the physique of a KZ camp prisoner can mess up your body.
And i am actually lucky, if i am careful most days are generally painless ( well by my standards ) but it do not take much and my old friend is back plunging a knife into my back and other parts.

On the other hand there are people here on the same pension which have never worked a day in their life, i know a guy that got it at 35, his MO was playing games on the computer and smoking weed.
I really like that Beretta. Thought many times of getting one. Still am. You're not helping. I have a few of the Legends pistols. 1911, German Luger and the Colt SAA. I aged this 1911 Tangfolio to use in my fathers WWII memorabilia collection. I keep the original Colt 1911 in the safe. Looks cool in the collection and reminds me to shoot it. I also aged the German Luger and put it in the collection also.
Retirement is a bargain for Airgun shooters. Powder burners are another story. Range membership and ammo costs keep my powder burners in the safe most of the time. 250.00 a year for a club membership is reasonable but 50.00 In ammo for an hour of shooting adds up. Fortunately my club allows Airguns. The same trip to the range may cost 5.00 in premium .25 pellets.
Retirement is a bargain for Airgun shooters. Powder burners are another story. Range membership and ammo costs keep my powder burners in the safe most of the time. 250.00 a year for a club membership is reasonable but 50.00 In ammo for an hour of shooting adds up. Fortunately my club allows Airguns. The same trip to the range may cost 5.00 in premium .25 pellets.
My range is about 50 miles, one way. Membership probably about half what you say. I keep the membership so I will have a place to go and generally make it 4-5 times a year. Summers here are simply too hot to get out for any length of time, the shooting lines are covered and they do have some big floor fans, but when you blow 100 degree air it is still hot. I have a little range, a couple of pellet traps in my back yard set up so I can duck out , shoot a bit, with my shooting stand under a big patio umbrella then back in to cool off.