This falls under WTH, IMHO. My Jefferson State Raptor had a S L O W leak, slow enough that the leak detector soap dried up before showing anything. I took off everything that could leak inspected and reinstalled, even change out the valve. I DID find a bad o-ring in the fill port assembly, not the seal between the port and the body but in the port. I though I'd replaced it but, who know. Anyway same issue. I finally decided to donate my Raptor to the greater AGN community and put in a tiny bit of florescent dye, through the fill port, a bit of dye, add a bit of air, repeated that a few times, firing the gun each time to get the dye to propagate. Hold on with the comments please. Then pumped it up to 3k pounds and let it sit, saw that I had some in the fill port so, duh, hosed it out with contact spray until there was just a tiny spot left, close enough. Came back 6 hrs later leaks EXCEPT in the fill port. Let it go until the next morning, rechecked and yep even more dye showing up. Ok, close enough for me. Drained the gun CAREFULLY as to avoid getting dye all over the place, took the valve out of the fill port, didn't have the right size for replacement of the whole thing, dug through my 0-ring collection and found one that looked very close, cleaned it out throughly, both with spray and a swab, reassembled and refilled to 4200#. Tested for any possibility of dieseling, because the carrier of the dye is oil, nope good there, let it sit 12 hours held pressure. For now, I'm calling it good but keeping the case open for a bit, just because I don't trust anything.