Brocock/BRK Scratches on brand new gun barrel?

That 2nd picture almost looks like someone put a Vise grip to the barrel! I'd be upset if I put out the cost of one of those but if it's shooting accurately I'd probably have a hard time deciding what to do. Hope you get some satisfaction if/when they get back to you.
Everyone has a different tolerance level for such things. Me personally I probably wouldn’t make a big deal of this as if you slide the barrel in and out it’s going to get marks in the surface anyway. However I agree with you. The pics that jay308 posted in this thread show marks from sliding the barrel in and out. The OP’s pics certainly look more like pressure marks which raises the question if that barrel is indeed factory new 🤷‍♂️
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So the vendor got back to me and offered 2 options, I can either get a replacement barrel or they will refund me $200….. I am crossed on which one to take. I am happy that the vendor got back to me quickly and with options for a resolution. They get a A+ thus far.
shoot the piss out of it right away and see how accurate it is. If its not or leaves room for improvement, take the new barrel. if its dead on, take the $$
shoot the piss out of it right away and see how accurate it is. If its not or leaves room for improvement, take the new barrel. if its dead on, take the $$
I need to know what is considered “accurate”. I was shooting the other day and from around 50 yards I was shooting 1” groups but I also didn’t have a stable bench so a lot of it was probably user error. I want to get a table out and really test it but it’s been so damn cold the past couple days. Maybe today or tomorrow?!
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show me the money.png
For the price of that rifle the expectation that I would have would be 100% perfection. That looks like a cheapaxx China crap Gauntlet nearly about. Return it immediately.
My biggest worry about that is replacing it and getting one with the same issue. From the counts of it, the issue has to do with the finishing on the inside of the stock where the barrel slides in. It might not be as bad as this one but a lot of them seem to have small scratches in the same area.
I need to know what is considered “accurate”. I was shooting the other day and from around 50 yards I was shooting 1” groups but I also didn’t have a stable bench so a lot of it was probably user error. I want to get a table out and really test it but it’s been so damn cold the past couple days. Maybe today or tomorrow?!
Thats up to you and your use and such. 1" at 50y would not entertain me. Especially for the money. Now, you have to test pellets and tunes etc...
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I won’t be naming any vendors unless our talks go very south. Hopefully they can make it right and in that case I will be perfectly happy to keep the vendors name confidential. I just reached out today so I think Wednesday is more than reasonable to hear back from them. If I don’t get a response via email I will try to call.
@SakoSierra Naming vendors in which you had good and bad experiences with helps the Airgun community. I recently went through resolving issues with DVOR. One of the issues was being sold products that look used or returned and not being labeled as such. This is not the first time I’ve had issues with them. I reached out to them and was contacted by a supervisor who left me with contact information in the event I have certain types of issues. I continue to deal with them be cause they have decent customer service and if I need someone I know how to get in touch with responsive people there. That means something to me.

I’m sharing this because I’ve been on AGN for a few years and I’ve read about a lot of members having less than favorable experiences with shops, vendors, and companies. In these posts and threads members will share their good experiences publicly and details of their bad experiences in private. A lot of the time another story is told via PMs. I’ve read my fair share of those as well. This practice really only seems to mostly benefit the businesses with problematic practices. We as consumers and as a airgun community can do something to try to improve some of these problematic practices. These businesses cannot survive without our community. However, we, mostly, as individuals have been surviving without these businesses. Having problems is one thing. We all have them. Resolving them is another thing and I value resolution and support as I think many other consumers do.
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