Just going to stop ordering *stuff*

Matt ,
im 4 months into this and the deliveries are slowing down. So much stuff.
All my real gun equipment doesn’t come close and I did reload and compete
in f class which required about 72 perfect center fire rounds ( one can hope)
per round. Of course I was working then and money was not as freely spent.
I built shelves on 3 walls to hold all my *stuff*. Spares, tools, fittings, springs, regulators, chrony, bottles, boxes, chemicals, pellets

And I still have stuff crammed under the work table.
Your post title is clear evidence that you are a wise and intelligent human being:
"Just going to stop ordering stuff." 👍🏼

Excellent response to the ordering & shipping mess you find yourself in. 👍🏼👍🏼

As a Christian, I might add: This is an opportunity to build character and grown in patience.
(It doesn't excuse the horrible heap of human error, no, it doesn't.)

It makes me reflect on the timetable of a recent scope purchase I made (the precise dates are not needed, as you will see).
➊ Ordered in December 2024.
➋ Delivered to a US address in January 2025.
➌ Will be carried in a suitcase from the US to Peru* (where I live) in October 2025.

➧ I'm looking forward to my new scope. 😃
➧ For almost a whole year. 😃 😃


*Peru offers less than 2% of the scope selection available in the US.
At prices 40% to 50% higher than in the US.
➧ God bless the US of A.
I hope things get better for you Spindle. That's a whole lot of frustration. I've had a few items purchased over the years that has tested my patience. Good help is hard to find because good pay and benefits are hard to find.
Yeah, we all need to pay more so the people in the warehouse or flipping your burger can have a living wage.
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Your post title is clear evidence that you are a wise and intelligent human being:
"Just going to stop ordering stuff." 👍🏼

Excellent response to the ordering & shipping mess you find yourself in. 👍🏼👍🏼

As a Christian, I might add: This is an opportunity to build character and grown in patience.
(It doesn't excuse the horrible heap of human error, no, it doesn't.)

It makes me reflect on the timetable of a recent scope purchase I made (the precise dates are not needed, as you will see).
➊ Ordered in December 2024.
➋ Delivered to a US address in January 2025.
➌ Will be carried in a suitcase from the US to Peru* (where I live) in October 2025.

➧ I'm looking forward to my new scope. 😃
➧ For almost a whole year. 😃 😃


*Peru offers less than 2% of the scope selection available in the US.
At prices 40% to 50% higher than in the US.
➧ God bless the US of A.
My daughter runs an orphanage in Honduras. Everything we send goes by boat. It's time-consuming and expensive for shipping.
As the mainland city become better stocked with items we need, it is less expensive to purchase in Honduras, and have it flown out where the orphanage is.