Cops come across your airgun in a traffic stop

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Anyone ever get stopped by police and they find ur airgun even after you informed them like to hear from you about the cops reaction. Were they Dickson or cool and curious??
About every cop in my county knows my car by now with how often I call in to shoot iguanas. I've shown a few of them the guns when enough people call me in for the. To show up and it's always been a positive experience on my end.
It probably matters how you come in contact with them. If you are doing something you should not be doing and they have to stop you, and then the air rifle at least appears to be another issue it may not end well. My only contact was at home. I shoot towards a large lake and a couple numb skull fishermen complained I was shooting at them. A fish and game officer came to my house. I welcomed him in and explained what I was doing and he confirmed I was legal. He asked me to not shoot towards the lake when there were boats nearby and I agreed. I don't anyway. There are "Karens" everywhere and cops know that too.
Haven't had that happen... yet.

I would suggest that airgunners comply with local FIREARMS regulations with your airguns to save a lot of potential stress.

I've talked "airguns" with a number of police officers and beyond recognizing basic Red Rider style BB-guns they know little about modern PCPs.

I keep the owners manual in the case with my airgun so it's available to show if necessary. I've had a couple of people think that my DRS was a deer rifle until I showed them the pellets in the magazine.

The tactical styling of many airguns, that traditional styles look like real powder-burners and many jurisdictions define airguns as "firearms" are all good reasons to presume that any officer will consider your airgun to be a firearm and treat it accordingly.

Even if you airgun is technically exempt from firearm laws, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Castle doctrine here says your car is an extension of your home. We can keep loaded firearms in the car as long as you are legal to own. Have License to have concealed pistol on me. Have travelled to matches and hunts with powder burning rifles slung across my back on a motorcycle. Airgun is no big deal.
If away from home i also leave moderators home , no hassles that way .
IF you are traveling in KY do not be surprised to see open carry .
( Yes that lovely woman that just walked passed just might have pistol holstered in the back of her jeans ) I see it all the time .
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I live on the border. I shoot daily out in the desert just outside of town. Many people do.

The cops and Federal law regularly show up. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's a sh!tshow. It depends on the personality behind the badge.

Mostly my experiences have been good. Last week a cop rolled up on us to check us out. He shot with us for an hour and wanted to know all about the rifles. Once he saw what was going on he behaved appropriately because he had good sense.

Other times it hasn't been easy. They pretend they've caught a terrorist sleeper cell and spend hours trying to find something wrong with what you are doing. Once we were taken to a CBP checkpoint for questioning 15 miles away and released 4 hours later to find our own way back home.

The problem is not the rifles. Everyone shoots here. Everyone is packing a handgun. Open and concealed carry and we still have gun racks in the rear window of our pickup trucks. Almost every person the cops interact with is armed. Some officers handle that well and some don't. Some use it as a way to connect with the public and some use it as an excuse to pretend. It all depends on the personality of the man in charge and how he decides to handle it.
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How would they know? Your guns should be cased and out of sight. Never give your permission to search your car without a warrant. Be respectful and answer questions simply without going into a lot of bullpoop explanation. If asked if you have firearms in the car, the answer is no. You have airguns. If asked if you have guns, say yes, airguns. Keep your mouth shut. The police must have probable cause that you have or intend to commit a crime before they can ask you to get out and search your vehicle. If so, politely say that you exercise your right to remain silent and get a lawyer. Take all the redneck decals off your car. Best to be low key. Know the laws in your area and obey them.
Castle doctrine here says your car is an extension of your home. We can keep loaded firearms in the car as long as you are legal to own. Have License to have concealed pistol on me. Have travelled to matches and hunts with powder burning rifles slung across my back on a motorcycle. Airgun is no big deal.
Being in Texas, we’re lucky that way. I have a family member who in the pre permitless carry days, was admonished by an officer for NOT having his carry gun on him when he presented his CHL at a traffic stop. Given the climate in some states though, I can see how there might be some trepidation when having an airgun in their car. As Texans, “we don’t think it be this way, but it do”. 😁
We live in an area where folks still have rifles hanging on the rear window racks in their pickup trucks.
I have a CCW even though they are not required here any longer. The last time I got pulled over I told the cop I had a loaded pistol in the car. His response was.. "if you don't pull yours out I won't pull mine out". He never asked to see it or my permit.
He did write me a $180 speeding ticket though. 🧐
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How would they know? Your guns should be cased and out of sight. Never give your permission to search your car without a warrant. Be respectful and answer questions simply without going into a lot of bullpoop explanation. If asked if you have firearms in the car, the answer is no. You have airguns. If asked if you have guns, say yes, airguns. Keep your mouth shut. The police must have probable cause that you have or intend to commit a crime before they can ask you to get out and search your vehicle. If so, politely say that you exercise your right to remain silent and get a lawyer. Take all the redneck decals off your car. Best to be low key. Know the laws in your area and obey them.
My father always taught me ( and it has paid off many times ) " yes sir , yes officer or no sir , no officer "
Being in Texas, we’re lucky that way. I have a family member who in the pre permitless carry days, was admonished by an officer for NOT having his carry gun on him when he presented his CHL at a traffic stop. Given the climate in some states though, I can see how there might be some trepidation when having an airgun in their car. As Texans, “we don’t think it be this way, but it do”. 😁

Texas gun laws are pretty harsh. They are complicated. Easy to get in trouble.

I know a dozen guys who have served jail time for carrying a gun in Texas. They stepped across that state line with a handgun and got busted for it. Texas gun laws only apply to TEXANS. A fellow from New Mexico (where there are virtually no carry laws) will be jailed quick for having a hand gun in Texas.

I live 25 miles from Texas and 25 miles from Mexico. A New Mexican that crosses either line with a firearm had better be aware of the laws or they will wind up incarcerated for it. Texas is one of the easiest places on the planet for a guy to get in trouble with a firearm.
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We live in an area where folks still have rifles hanging on the rear window racks in their pickup trucks.
I have a CCW even though they are not required here any longer. The last time I got pulled over I told the cop I had a loaded pistol in the car. His response was.. "if you don't pull yours out I won't pull mine out". He never asked to see it or my permit.
He did write me a $180 speeding ticket though. 🧐
Between u and me that's y I'm leaving ny and goin back to Arkansas, or Alabama.
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