I have been officially shut down!

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The police came today and said that they had a complaint from one of my neighbors, that I am shooting 22LR in my yard.
The officer saw it was Air Rifles and saw that the backstops were more than sufficient.
Then he came back later and said to his shock and amazement, he had found that our parish, (county), lists airguns as fire arms that can not be discharged within 1000 feet of a state road!

So,,,,, My property is 540 feet deep.
The police came today and said that they had a complaint from one of my neighbors, that I am shooting 22LR in my yard.
The officer saw it was Air Rifles and saw that the backstops were more than sufficient.
Then he came back later and said to his shock and amazement, he had found that our parish, (county), lists airguns as fire arms that can not be discharged within 1000 feet of a state road!

So,,,,, My property is 540 feet deep.

I have not lived in La for many years but that "law" saying firearms cannot be discharged within 1000 feet of a state road sounds rather bogus, but am not sure. What about parish roads , or US highways,ect. I grew up in N Louisiana and a lot of hunting took place well within 1000 fet of highways and I never knew of anyone getting into any trouble for doing so, and that was using high power rifles and shotguns.
He might have confused distance from road with safety zone from a dwelling. Either way you’re screwed.

My neighbors and I are pretty spaced apart where I live. But for reasons like this is why I’m never out in my yard strolling around with one of my scary looking guns. Even my outdoor shooting bench is secluded when I use it. But 90% of my shooting is from inside to outside. This is a bummer and a game changer if this is a major hobby of yours. It’s a shame the best way to protect it is to hide it. But that’s how it is now.
A lot of jurisdictions put airguns into the firearms category, it's easier than having two similar regulations/laws to manage. Locally, (Ontario Canada), bows and crossbows are classed as firearms by the MNR for the hunting regulations.

While I fundamentally disagree with that, you have to admit that most airguns these days are considerably more powerful than even a decade ago and many are capable of taking big game.

I hate regulations but if instead of being classed as firearms, there were low (in the city), medium (suburban) and high (rural) power categories for airguns more of us might be able to shoot at home.

I have not lived in La for many years but that "law" saying firearms cannot be discharged within 1000 feet of a state road sounds rather bogus, but am not sure. What about parish roads , or US highways,ect. I grew up in N Louisiana and a lot of hunting took place well within 1000 fet of highways and I never knew of anyone getting into any trouble for doing so, and that was using high power rifles and shotguns.
St Tammany Parish is pretty much taken over by migrants from New Orleans. They bring their thinking, style and laws, with them. I am way up in the north woods, only about a thousand feet from Washington Parish.
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you are welcome at my place any time . ( for those who do not know it is a 9 hour drive to my place for him 😊)

My neighbors shoot deer (centerfire )right off their porch and hang it up from the big tree in the front yard .
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The police came today and said that they had a complaint from one of my neighbors, that I am shooting 22LR in my yard.
The officer saw it was Air Rifles and saw that the backstops were more than sufficient.
Then he came back later and said to his shock and amazement, he had found that our parish, (county), lists airguns as fire arms that can not be discharged within 1000 feet of a state road!

So,,,,, My property is 540 feet deep.
Disgusting, they are not and never will be "fire"arms.
Entirely UN-American. Go through your life minding your own business and this is what you get. Cop callers that use the law to enforce their wants are the scum of the earth.
Even if you don't have an HOA, that doesn't mean your immune, does it?
He might have confused distance from road with safety zone from a dwelling. Either way you’re screwed.

My neighbors and I are pretty spaced apart where I live. But for reasons like this is why I’m never out in my yard strolling around with one of my scary looking guns. Even my outdoor shooting bench is secluded when I use it. But 90% of my shooting is from inside to outside. This is a bummer and a game changer if this is a major hobby of yours. It’s a shame the best way to protect it is to hide it. But that’s how it is now.
Actually that was what the officer recommended.
you are welcome at my place any time .

My neighbors shoot deer (centerfire )right off their porch and hang it up from the big tree in the front yard .
All of my neighbors shoot powder burners in their yards, but they aren't consistanly at it like I am. I was even caught on camera shooting my HW75, by the Google Earth camera vehicle. Lol
Well the law is the law, are they often senseless and do you disregard them,,,, yes
Can they be changed,,,,, yes, but it is so very very very hard to do, and take so much time you could be excused for saying no they can not be changed.

I do like a framework of law i have to admit, the problem where i live is that framework is like so prevalent it feel like a jail, and daily even more bars are added in the form of even more laws.
I so do not understand my fellow Danes, i feel emasculated and suffocating and the ever precent feeling of a panic attack.

For the people in the know, passing by my friends place, there is no doubt what is going on in that field.
But actually i think we are in the green, though none of us have fully researched it as that is just such a overwhelming task there should be a law against it.
Well the law is the law, are they often senseless and do you disregard them,,,, yes
Can they be changed,,,,, yes, but it is so very very very hard to do, and take so much time you could be excused for saying no they can not be changed.

I do like a framework of law i have to admit, the problem where i live is that framework is like so prevalent it feel like a jail, and daily even more bars are added in the form of even more laws.
I so do not understand my fellow Danes, i feel emasculated and suffocating and the ever precent feeling of a panic attack.

For the people in the know, passing by my friends place, there is no doubt what is going on in that field.
But actually i think we are in the green, though none of us have fully researched it as that is just such a overwhelming task there should be a law against it.

The typical American that uses law enforcement to snuff someone else's joy are the types that usually egregiously bypass laws that inconvenience THEM. Then when they find themselves perturbed by someone else getting kicks on their own property,, minding their own business, effecting them ZERO. They use the law to the letter to snarch that tiny last bit of joy and freedom from them. Doing things like that is the antithesis of the American way of life.

Typically the philosophy we live by is, your freedoms are unlimited until they encroach on mine or effect me or my property. A pellet gun quieter than a pneumatic tool doesn't effect them. At all. Especially someone who exercises safe practices.

What .20cal should do, and what I've been doing. Is using a nail gun, air hammer whenever I see the offending law abuser that called them on me and lied. There is no limit on loud tools between 8am and 10pm most places. He needs to practice some aggressive obedience.
l’m sorry to hear this. Couldn’t imagine. Hope you can work it out. Crow
Ill have to move to the back yard. In the end it will be a good thing. I wasn't finishing my porch since I started shooting off of it. The plan was to close it in with screen and lattice board up to a hand rail.
I like your freind up in the woods set up, and I have a 14X20 foot building, with 100 yards of woods behind it. If I could pull it off that would be a nice project.
Put a wider window in case i have guests. Shoot from a built in bench with airconditioning, rain and sunlight protection, etc. Then build a birm on my far corner which is a dead straight shot from that window. Set it up with different ranges, out to 100 yards, and thank my neighbor with a pot of chicken and sausage jambalaya. 😁
Ill have to move to the back yard. In the end it will be a good thing. I wasn't finishing my porch since I started shooting off of it. The plan was to close it in with screen and lattice board up to a hand rail.
I like your freind up in the woods set up, and I have a 14X20 foot building, with 100 yards of woods behind it. If I could pull it off that would be a nice project.
Put a wider window in case i have guests. Shoot from a built in bench with airconditioning, rain and sunlight protection, etc. Then build a birm on my far corner which is a dead straight shot from that window. Set it up with different ranges, out to 100 yards, and thank my neighbor with a pot of chicken and sausage jambalaya. 😁
I think I might leave that pot sit out in the sun for a couple days before I delivered it.
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