That’s a good idea... In order to compare BC between the .25 heavy and the .30 pellets it might be beneficial to shoot them at close to the same speed. I was surprised that the difference between the light and heavy .30 was so small...
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Yes, JSB REVISED Monster 25.4 gr 0.22 cal is the same general shape as the 33.9 gr .25 cal Heavy Kings. I did another bc test yesterday on this pellet shot from my BSA JB OZ 1 rifle with .22 barrel at 880 fps for an average 0.051 bc raw data at the farm. That equals the bc of the .25 cal 33.9 gr Mk 1 under same conditions. They group very well from that rifle and obviously carry more energy and momentum down range than the 0.25 original 25.4 gr Kings."SMH77"Do the smaller calibers (.22 or .177) have versions that are similar in 'form factor' as the .25 cal heavies? I'm just not familiar with them since the smallest caliber I own right now is .25 caliber...