Huben .25 magazine depth

Ah, 11mm. The 2020 magazine looks the same, but I'll check with Kelly or John to be sure it's still that depth. If so, that would make the largest NSA 55gr slug at .485 in length too long. I was hoping to see what the K1 could do with that. 

With the current power wheel setting (I haven't touched it yet) and the regulator on 19mpa, it's shooting the JSB Heavies at 1045fps for 82fpe. I've got some 47gr Griffin slugs coming. Hope they will fit the magazine. If not, the NSA 43.5gr slugs will. They are .39 ish. I'll post some more number when I get the heavier projectiles. 

Very accurate. I'm hitting a 6" steel plate at 110 yards with a red dot on it! 

As I understand it the PRE 2020 .25 had mag holes with a diameter of .254 (6.46*) and that Stephen of AVS fame makes .254 slugs in various weights** in flat,dish,cup,hollow base, assuming that the mag (or barrel diameter) has not changed these should fit.

**weights, I am as yet not sure at what point Stephens .254 slugs become longer than 11mm.

I am SUPER interested in the 2020 barrel, the PRE did not shoot slugs* that well, I was told that Huben where putting a lot of effort into sorting this on the 2020 version.

*"6.46" size and other K1 info courtesy of Gregor kamensek.

As I understand it the PRE 2020 .25 had mag holes with a diameter of .254 (6.46*) and that Stephen of AVS fame makes .254 slugs in various weights** in flat,dish,cup,hollow base, assuming that the mag (or barrel diameter) has not changed these should fit.

**weights, I am as yet not sure at what point Stephens .254 slugs become longer than 11mm.

I am SUPER interested in the 2020 barrel, the PRE did not shoot slugs* that well, I was told that Huben where putting a lot of effort into sorting this on the 2020 version.

*"6.46" size and other K1 info courtesy of Gregor kamensek.
don't buy the boat tail