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  • And next in the hit parade... A Cox Bushmaster from 1975. The motor is locked up and it needs a new rudder. I have a few spare engines but I doubt I'll ever run it. It's way too noisy. I had a bunch of different ones. Good times while getting hearing damage...

    I have a runable Testors P40 as well. Gotta find the right kid to give them to (along with some earplugs).

    That's very interesting. I wouldn't have though of using an RC boat to move bait, but if it works... 120 klicks is fast! I remember an old Testors .049 P-51 that I had. I did the radius math, counted revolutions and timed it. It was going a whopping 34-mph. I was so disappointed...

    The battery powered stuff just doesn't do it for me. The lady gave me a drone for a birthday and I flew it one time. Now it sits here. Trying to figure a way of getting rid of it without her noticing. For some reason engines appeal more than motors do. Kind of like pumpers over springers or PCPs.
    Well i must of course admit that a little 3.5 cc motor, revving to 40K RPM and putting out several ponies,,,,, that is indeed impressive, the whine is also good.

    My friends old 5B with the Dominator exhaust,,,, also very loud

    His T model, not so loud but have caught a lot of air, and almost ripped off my head as cameraman.

    I almost forgot about those planes. I had one that was held by strings so it wouldn't get away. All it did was go around in circles and wait till it run out of fuel then had to spin in circles so as to not crash land it. Remote controls to purchase in those years were insanely expensive.
    Yeah, the noise and smell of the COX fuel was almost unbearable. :ROFLMAO:
    It, too, lives! It's a Wilesco D5. It does need a gasket or two. The knocking you hear is the base rattling on the grill. It's slightly bent. Now to figure out the horsepower.

    A little more searching turned up the original. From Christmas of '73, I think. Still in the box with the instructions. It's a little rough and was seized up, but a little oil freed up the fly wheel. Decades spent in a damp basement have taken their toll. It runs at a much higher rpm than the other one, iirc. It will be fun to find out exactly how fast it goes.

    It lives! I was able to line the fuel-tray with foil and use some candle wax with a paper-towel wick to add heat. The rpms are a bit lower than I remember, but I guess the governor has something to do with that. The cats don't care for it and the dogs don't know what to think.

    Hello @Treefrog , that is great! Real steam engines are designed to run slow and produce a ton of power. I use to design and build small stationary steam engines and the goal was to make one that would run super slow.

    That's interesting, Thomas. The Wilesco model website says around 1500 rpm for some models, but this one was running at around 600. I think it's because I was using candle wax as fuel instead of the fuel tabs that they sell. Sterno was the go-to fuel when I was a kid. I think wax burns at a lower temp. You can find more of these at https://www.wilesco.de/en/
    I ran across this at my folks' house yesterday. It's been a lot of years since it's been run. I used to love those things. Thinking I'll clean it up and get it going. Now where did I put that erector set?

    I had one of those as a young man. Would run it on a scoop of STERNO fuel placed in the burn tray. Pretty clean for 50 +/- years old (y)
    It is not Union Pacific Big Boy,,,,, but steam is pretty cool.
    As i recall from smoke diver course water expand 900 X when it turn to steam.

    Needless to say all of my G-scale trains are steam models.
    Thanks, guys. Not long after I got it (in '73), I picked up my first pellet gun. After that, all my Sterno money went for pellets and co2. I never did really power much with it. A waxed-cardboard paddle-wheel boat for a Robert Fulton steamboat demonstration for school. It got me an A.
    Politics aside...

    I ran across this photo a few days ago on X. I've seen bullets as they traveled to their destination in the past, but only if they were traveling away and the lighting was just right. The photographer has said that he was using a shutter speed of 1/8000 of a second, but that doesn't seem right. An (assumed) .223 round starts at 2800-3200 fps (depending on barrel length and bullet weight) and would be going a bit less than that at 140 yards.

    The streak appears to be about a foot long. That implies a shutter speed much less than stated, I think...


    I'm not sure if shutter speed has anything to do with it?

    Anything that is recorded live can be put thru editing software to slow the projectile footage to milliseconds?
    It's my understanding that the photog that took that shot was shooting with a special camera at 1/8000th of a second and at 60-frames a second. (Perfect for catching a "pink-mist" situation.) He's a still-photographer. I do not know why he chose those settings. My much older Nikon DSLR won't do near that.

    If the bullet was moving at 2800-fps, a shutter speed of 1/2800th of a second would show the bullet leaving about a one-foot streak. This pic doesn't jibe with what's being reported. The streak should be much shorter. I'm hoping someone will check my math here.

    I can say that there is SO much that's hinky about this entire situation. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but there's a lot about this that just ain't computing.
    That is not the bullet but the jet stream / turbulence from it which is still impressive to catch, imo.
    I spent yesterday on jury duty (but wasn't selected). It was a bit of an eye-opener. The thug on trial (for felon in possession of a firearm, ADW, and shooting into a vehicle) cleaned up really nice. He kept his mouth shut the whole day, too. The lawyers concentrated on two things. The jurors' views on the police and on the race of the particular thug on trial. Looking forward to seeing how things play out.
    Regarding 'The Giant Killer' thread that was just killed...

    His was a life worth knowing about. Particularly at this time.

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