What WORKS in WordPerfect ¹NOTE!! ¹ = means it does not work in WP Note: Copy to Gmail on Android ➔ Paste into WP *WITH* formatting ➔ Clean up the formatting ➔ Done. ————Samsung Keyboard: •▪︎○¹ ●² ■★ [²in WP it's bigger than ■] ▪︎Smsg ≠ ▪ExtKb [W:space,bigger!] ———————— ▪︎ ■¹ || [▪¹: Wapp: much larger and adds hard-space before and after] ■ ▣ □ |¹¹ | ⬩¹ ⬥¹ ⭓¹ || [◼: this one is larger, like the ● above, in: WP and Wats] • • 𑇐¹ꔷ¹ ⦁ 𖧹¹ [increase line spacing a bit] [big -to- small:] ● ○ ◍¹ ◉¹ ◌¹
CROSS, Christian 🕆🕇 ✞ ✟ ✝ † 𔕛 ♰ ♱ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ⼗ 🕂 🕊 Love Jesus more = 🕇 ✚ | + | ♡ † + | L J + Trinity: 𖡶⟁*[sm] ⭞ ⭚ ⭛ =Repentance Jesus-King: 🜲 ♚ ♛ ♔ ♕ 𒀱 𒋲 𒇫 *[these add line sp.!] Desde la caída de Adán y Eva el ser humano sigue en la misma baina: ersona *A* echa la culpa a persona *B*. A B D C ¡Gracias a *DIOS!*
Emoji Collection: Main Screen CONTENTS ●VIDs to Quote ●Weird Attntn Grabber Shapes: Sel. ●Arrows: Sel. ●Title Ephasizers ●GUN + Hunting ●Miscellaneous ●Numbers, Math ●FIGURATIVE Meaning ●Separators ●BULLETS ▪︎Pretty ▪︎Informal ▪︎Samsung Keyboard ▪︎Color ●EMOJIS ▪︎Rare ▪︎Positive ▪︎Neutral ▪︎Negative
➠ Horizontal Line
View attachment 888888
View attachment 888888
View attachment 888888
xxx➠ Strike Throughasdfads ~Xxsdfdsa~ asdf
■ Table: 3 colums 🅒 | 4 rows 🅡:
¹NOTE!! ¹ = means it does not work in WP
Note: Copy to Gmail on Android ➔ Paste into WP *WITH* formatting ➔ Clean up the formatting ➔ Done.
————Samsung Keyboard:
•▪︎○¹ ●² ■★ [²in WP it's bigger than ■]
▪︎Smsg ≠ ▪ExtKb [W:space,bigger!]
▪︎ ■¹ || [▪¹: Wapp: much larger and
adds hard-space before and after]
■ ▣ □ |
• •
𑇐¹ꔷ¹ ⦁ 𖧹¹ [increase line spacing a bit]
[big -to- small:]
● ○ ◍¹ ◉¹ ◌¹
➔ ➜ ➠ ➧ | ➡*
✘ ✓
❂ ✠✧✦✤✩✫✬✭✮✯✲✴✵
✶★✷✸✹✺✻✼❉ ⛭
⋙Title here⋘ ≫Title here≪
▬ X █X ▐X ■X
Cross: ✞ ✟² ✝ †² ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ [²don't look good in WP]
🕆🕇 ✞ ✟ ✝ † 𔕛 ♰ ♱
Love Jesus more =
Trinity: 𖡶⟁
⭞ ⭚ ⭛
Jesus-King: 🜲 ♚ ♛ ♔ ♕
𒀱 𒋲 𒇫 *[these add line sp.!]
Desde la caída de Adán y Eva el ser humano sigue en la misma baina:
ersona *A* echa la culpa a
persona *B*.
¡Gracias a
Emoji Collection: Main Screen
●VIDs to Quote
●Weird Attntn Grabber Shapes: Sel.
●Arrows: Sel.
●Title Ephasizers
●GUN + Hunting
●Numbers, Math
▪︎Samsung Keyboard
[Note: Many add line spacing T/B!:]
꧅ 𑜿 🝳 ꫞ இ ꦈ ꦎ
𒈓 𒀱 𒅄 𒋲 𒅒 𒃺 𒁂 𒍮 𒄈
𒈖 𒆙
ꦖ ꦪ | 𑌣 ൽ | 𑇰 | ꫟ ꫛ ꫝ
𒐰 ꧁꧂ ꧁Title Title꧂
*Those with * turn in Wapp into a nice gray-blue square | Not DejaO!!
➔ ➜ 𐃘 ➠ ➧ ⮕ | ➡*
ↆ ➘ ➚ ➙ ↓ ↑
⟿ ⬳ | ▶ ◀*
► ◄ ⭆ ⭅ ➾ ➟ ➞
⬈⬊⬋⬉ ⬌⬍ no forward arrow➞
there | ⬇*⬆*⬅*
𐎋 𐎆 𐎅 𐎗 𐎔 𐎚
⟴ ⇶ ⬱
⟳ ⟲ ↻ ↺ ⥁ ⥀
⤵* ⤴* | ⤶⤷ ⤸⤹ ⤾⤿ ↷↶ ⤺⤻
⭝⭜ ⭞⭟ ⭚⭛ ↲ ↳ ↰ ↱