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  • Oh, gosh, what ever shall I do? Gmail just notified me one of my accounts is 50% full: 7.49Gb of 15Gb.
    I guess I better do something in the next 10 or 15 years before it fills up.
    Who remembers the glory days of USENET?
    • Wow
    Reactions: Firewalker
    /me not been around the internet that long or should i say in the early days maybe frequenting other places.
    I got online in the late 90ties, eagerly awaiting flat rate ADSL, CUZ i knew with a pr minute payment it was going to be expensive.
    Did game C&C and red alert on a acquaintances dual ISDN line, taking turns to play a match on his computer. Handle viking.66

    /me remember IRC
    I also remember all kinds of nasty stuff on local News servers

    ICQ for comms with friends
    Well, I'm from a little before then. Had an email address for 6 months or so in 1979 (USAF).
    Then went to work for a company that had a pair of T1 lines in 1980 (1.5Mb each)
    My first USENET post was in 1981.

    Yeah, News Servers and Groups were mostly unmoderated and anything went.
    The wild wild west of the internet.
    It sure was a lot of fun.
    Rules were pretty simple, take responsibility for yourself, if you don't like what someone wrote, don't read it or ignore it.
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