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  • Yeah got my big .510 Texan fixed today!!!! Changed out the Aluminum carrier tube..Screws stripped out..Can't wait to get to my other property and shoot 200 yards or close too...In time all good things come together...
    Reclaiming Pure Soft Lead today.. I went to the local scrap yard and bought 80 lbs of pure roofing lead in sheets or rolls..Today im going cut in pieces melt down in dutch oven and make ignots with a used muffin pan..with inflation Lead is now $100.00 for 80 lbs pure lead in my area.. IF anyone wants to learn how to reclaim lead for casting ill post pics... So 80lbs of lead will make alot of .224 high B.C Airgun slugs
    Hand lead lapping and Air Lapping sucessful..My barrels are now shooting NSA slugs and .222 52 grain spire points...With slugs the bores need to be perfect smooth uniform.. I miss custom barrels like Benchmark Barrels...But when you have more time than money ..Lead lapping barrels a option..from our grandfathers generations...old school
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    In fire arms it is called fire lapping..In Airguns Air-lapping i guess..I fully clean my barrels and then take lapping compound and put on slugs..Shoot through your air rifle..It really does work on rough production grade barrels..You can start with 120 grit than 240 grit,and 340 grit to finish up..You have to fully clean inbetween different grits.. Im getting my best results hand lead lapping my barrels first and finish them up with air lapping.. David Tubb makes a proven fire lapping system for powder burners ..So yes it works if you dont have a real quality barrel than is lapped after reaming and again after rifleing.. I drilled and reamed 1000,s of production grade barrels that were rough....Know im learning to make them smooth and uniform... When i built and shot benchrest powder burners good barrels were cheap..I used to buy Benchmark 28inch stainless countered blanks for $230.00...
    Nice!!!!A factory Airforce 4500 psi super valve!!!! I want one to buy the valve and tank an upgrade my .510....I have 100 lbs of .510 650 grain spire point boat tails .5 B.C......Yeah!!!!!
    Its been cold here. I been hand lead lapping barrels..Air lapping them after..Casting Slugs..And finally good results...A TESLONG Digital borescope is amazing!!!Best $25.00 i ever spent...I had a hawkeye borescope was a $1000.00 back in the day ..TESLONG much better..,Stay warm AGN Friends
    Looking foward to the 2025 Airgun Season..Im slowly making progress and learning alot with my custom 12 twist condors and cast slugs..Its been difficult but most things worth doing are..I need to buy parts for my Texan .510 and she will be on the road again..I also am going to be putting a moderator on my Umarex Airsaber...I lucked into the parts..I think i can shoot without vaines and be accurate and quiet with easton 2219,s. Anyways happy new years much thank to the friends and support on AGN!!!!!
    • Like
    Reactions: AmosBurton
    How do you plan to shoot without vanes?
    Forward indeed.
    I will however probably have to forget the RTI Mora, of let me rephrase, i hope there will be something nice a little cheaper.
    For instance a FX DRS classic 2.0 with easy to reach " knobs " to dial on.
    But i am open, also the plan really was to get a bullpup to replace the Maverick

    Also i wish Winter came with FF button, even if such a thing are dangerous to use at my age.
    When playing around shooting 120 yards with the Airsaber I had a arrow with messed up fletchings so i cut them off and shot it.. To my suprise it was exactly the same right to left only about 3inchs higher than the ones with vaines.. Im going to test and see.. Without vaines will be much quiter...Smaller exit hole... Will see..Wont cost anything to moderate the Airsaber worth a try... To date my Airsaber is reliable has never broke...knock on wood lol
    Ahhh My Big .510 Texan let me down last day in hunting shack.... Went to cock and both screws stripped out of aluminum carrier tube ..Was hoping to get cocked for one shot but no go...I guess in using the air saber today...Airguns definitely break... You always need a back up
    • Sad
    Reactions: Treefrog
    No different issues from before..The screws just stripped out of carrier tube from use..I dont ever switch out barrels..I dont know if ill buy another airforce aluminum one or buy AOA steel one,,,it is $160.00 though.. I finished out the day hunting with the Airsaber..All in all this was the best hunting season i ever had.. The way i look at it now is my Texan shoots free cost me nothing ammo one once slugs in one hole at 50 yards.. Yes it defenitly breaks..Kinda like a 2 stroke motercycle...So i buy Airforce Texan parts and compressors compared to powder burners at $2.00 to $5.00 a shot.. Airguns work but there are no free rides
    AHH Air Anxiety at hunting season as always..On like 10-12 pistons -rebuilds on yong heng.. I bought a GX CS4 compressor..It was within budget...I need to fill a SCOTT 5500 psi tank for my .510 Texan..Sometimes..I just want enough air to shoot my Custom Condors..Time will tell how good this chinese compressor is..To keep shooting PCP's i have to play the cheap compressor game..Wish me luck friends Good Day
    IMG_20241029_101912.jpgI found this at my posted signs along the road at our property.. The locals aren't happy with me..So in retaliation they poach and discard carcass to find..It ashame they waste half the meat.. There definitely not hungry.. This is routine in Fayette Nam ..I'm going to be staying at the property things are slowly changing..
    This has been going on for the 20 year s we owned the property.. Amazing the 🦌 Population is reproduceing at a faster than the poachers and trespassers..Here it's called a patch town .A old coal mine town in the middle of nowhere.Our property 98 acres surrounds the patch town.. The locals think it's there right to do as they want as they always have.. Using different intedimation tactics.. A local shot a 160 inch buck on our place.. That's the problem huge deer..Greed like $10,000 dollar bills running around... What I'm doing on the property has helped.More deer bigger deer .. Now I have to commit some time to deal with a couple trouble makers and all is well..I got at least 25 acres brush hogged this week 🙂...
    The way that Buck is butchered is typical of most sports man in my area..50 percent of meat wasted ..No one actually eats deer n my area... One sports man I know of shoots as many deer as tags available and only will feed to dogs..It's $200.00 for deer processing... Wasting Natural Resources Free ..The person who killed that Buck makes 80-100 k a year... Well off in my area.. Purely for Recreational Activities..
    That's a lot. I hope I never see anything like that. It's bothersome to see that happen to you.
    Finally got my Kubota Tractor restored and to our family property that has been in neglect for 20 years..Sooo happy got a lot of brush hogging done..New 200 yard handicap ready airgun range..Will be able to drive to targets..Hopefully get camper setup today!!!!New replacement 12 twist high power 22 condor coming this week to replace the one stold from me.. Will be hunting soon!!! THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT FROM THE MEMBERS HERE
    THEFT....My Custom 22 Condor was stold from under my carport.. Im on crutchs today and wanted to go squirell hunting..I couldnt do the steps with the airgun so i left under the carport..I live off the road rural location..I leave quad weed wacker various tools i use there frequentely.. My neighbor s on meth staying at his dads house.. So i guess he had the balls to walk up and steal it...Anyways he is brazen.....This condor has a custom doug noble valve and a 12 twist .222 barrell..I live in Perryopolis PA If this comes up for sale let me know.. It the one in mu profile post with squirrel
    Finally all coming together with custom 22 Condor. .225 Powder Coat Lee 55 grain Slug 930 fps.. First squirrel 🐿️ in ten years.. Thanks to my friends on airgun nation make possible..
    Finally luck with the CHazsel 12 twist .222 barrel with 55 grain and 47 grain .225 slugs..Slugs shoot at 930 fps for 55 and 975 for the 47 grain..Any higher pressure accuracy everywhere..Slugs not stable supersonic..Im learning
    I have shot smaller stuff for the small caliber i shoot super sonic, and it arriving in correct orientation, also pretty decent accuracy, but i did chase POI around
    for a long time i did shoot 13 grain at 1050 fps ( not SS ) but in the end found out 960 or so was much better with no chasing POI

    Lost count on the many times i have tried to shoot heavy stuff fast, then given up and put something lighter in, and forgotten to lower pressure.
    The crack of super sonic wake you up.
    I almost gave up on my Chazsel .222 12 twist barrels for my condor builds..At first 55 grain and 45 grain arenal hitting sideways..I had the power turned up??Anyways bought some 36 .223 NSA slugs...They would stablize and only shoot on the low end ,,everything turned town 2500 psi..So for the heck of it I tried the 47 and 55 grain slugs..With everything turned down they are stablizeing..This valve has the power,,but anything super sonic crazy inaccuate and unstable.. Im learning..Getting a 9 twist .223 barrel soon!!!
    Ahh all done rebuilding yong heng 8 th time...Couldnt sleep last night changed piston in a half hour..On the road again another 8-10 refils on my scba tanks....
    well the 8th piston didnt last..Brand new the piston rod broke almost instantly...Bad from manufacture..Took apart changed connecting rod..Working again..I need to upgrade air source soon!!!!!
    Trying to muster up the courage to rebuild the old yong heng for the 8 th time in 3 years..I keep the tools to rebuild right beside compressor..No need to put away..lol .It usually needs a new piston after the 8-12 fill on scba tanks..IT costs30.00 for new piston gasket..30 min time to rebuild..So i guess its worth it...
    • Wow
    Reactions: Firewalker
    There is definitely something wrong with your YH! I've got well over 100 hours on mine and I only blew out a 4500psi safety dusk (totally my fault, I used a used tampon that shredded, blocked the outlet).
    Super happy to try some NSA 36 grain .223 slugs in my 12 twist chazsel barrels for my custom condor builds..I just shot one to see if i needed to size..AND super sonic...ill chronograph tomm..ill bet 1300 fps...ill try a subsonic amd super sonic load. fingers crossed i like something to go pa squirrel hunting with
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    Reactions: Stubbers
    Yes my Texan .510 is finally consistently accurate...Alteast 300-500 powder coated slugs shot through the barrel since last cleaning...My 3 hours of old school hand lead lapping my barrel payed off. I stated at 120 grit..My gun had to be cleaned every 3 rounds before for any kind of accuracy...The slugs i shot were strait otta NOE 4 cavity mold not sorted in any way..Powder Coated..And to boot very hard wheel weight lead from the 1970's and water quenched too..They are hard..But when sized properly to .510..They shoot just fine..I have 100% pure lead powder coated slugs and both shoot the same..I have about 150 lbs of the free wheel weight lead made into 450 and 630 grain hard lead cast slugs..It s really a waste shooting them at low speeds..Im sure that hard lead water quenched powder coated slugs would be fine up to 2500 fps..But they were just buckets of old nasty greasy wheel weights..Now beautiful accurate free .510 slugs..Powder coating almost free. 1 lb does alot of slugs...
    I believe it. I've shot some Hornady Cowboy bullets that are obviously harder that airgun slugs and they shoot pretty well. Is it tough to clean all that gunk from the wheel weight lead? I'm wondering if you have to melt the lead multiple times to thoroughly clean it.
    Its pretty easy to clean the wheel weight lead..Just a cast iron dutch oven on a outdoor propane cook burners..Once the lead melts all the steel floats to the top..The grease acts as a flux and burns off..All impuritys come to the top and skim off..I then pour into old muffin tins to make my clean lead for casting..Its the same process for pure lead, except its usually a roll of roofing lead..I cut it in pieces, put in dutch oven , melt, flux,skim off impuritys, pure in muffins tins, ingonts ready to cast. Pure roofing lead cost me $1.00 a pound at the local junk yard..Im sure they buy it for alot less..
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