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  • Gotta love GM. Had to replace the emission vent solenoid on top of my gas tank on the work van. Order the part which was 30 bucks. OK. I drop the tank to get access, fiddle with the connectors and hose clamp while standing on my head. Off it comes! Not too bad right?

    Pop the hose on the new solenoid and go to connect the wires and it DOESN'T FIT. Huh?

    Check my part number and it's correct. Then I find out that the lovely engineers at GM decided to "update" the wire connector a few years after my van, but they did make an adapter harness that you can get for a nominal fee of $60!

    This is why mechanics hate engineers!
    Try to imagine a diesel engine, as big as a house.
    Then imagine you have to do something simple with it, and find out you need to unscrew parts of that damn thing for half a day just to do something extremely simple.

    I have lost count on how many times i have cursed engineer's to hell.
    Dr. Kralenstein
    I hate working on diesels. Did that for 8 years as a bus mechanic. They stuff those engines in the back of those bastards. It got to the point I would just pull the whole motor/trans out to do most anything on them vs crawl inside there and get cramped up and disgustingly greasy.
    HEHE yeah i could imagine that, probably more cramped than some exhaust manifolds i have been inside. ( and i am 6 foot 3" )
    Plenty of chances to get dirty on a ship too, some jobs actually mean a +50 % bonus.

    Also remember the old days where you could drop a tool working on a motor, and it would just fall to the ground below it, these days popping the hood and you cant even see the GD engine.
    If Michael Jackson were alive, would his pronouns be He He?
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    Reactions: Peashooter
    hehe ( as in chuckle ) somehow i dont think that would cut it for poor Michael.

    Anyone else get a kick out of this? I'm literally LOLing

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