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  1. Ohlookasquirrel

    What cheap guns are actual bargains?

    I will always love my little daisy 880. No optics, just iron sights. Always accurate for me. I can shoot a hole in a hole with it from the time I pick it up to the time I put it down. reliable, accurate, low maintenance, and just so much fun to pull out when others are playing with their...
  2. Ohlookasquirrel

    New - Air Venturi Avenge-X

    I have the aveng x bottle version and have to send it back. But I really did enjoy it. Not 100% sure what exactly is wrong but it jammed with the magazine and single shot rail on the low velocity setting. So every one knows I am what happens in the building when murphy leaves. If it can go...
  3. Ohlookasquirrel

    Want to Win a Leshiy 2 and a Pigeon Hunt?!

    Well, why not? An excuse to go to Idaho, sure!
  4. Ohlookasquirrel

    The chat system on airgundepot/pyramid websites MIGHT be compromised.

    I had a hunch but didn’t get a chance to deep dive on that. I’m really careful about my info and just a few mins ago I got a scam email that made it directly to my inbox (past spam filters) The scam email goes back to a personalized gmail account. Just to be safe, I’ll be changing my email...
  5. Ohlookasquirrel

    The chat system on airgundepot/pyramid websites MIGHT be compromised.

    Welp, I didn’t know that and it wasn’t handy at the time. I went to the method that I knew and that had brought me success in the past.
  6. Ohlookasquirrel

    The chat system on airgundepot/pyramid websites MIGHT be compromised.

    ...through airgundepot and a warranty return would only go through air Venturi but “good luck talking to any one”. He told me I could return and *replace* to airgundepot, but I would have to pay a restocking fee. He said if I went that route the label would be cheaper. To make it very clear...
  7. Ohlookasquirrel

    Air Venturi Avenger .25| Magazine Jam

    How did you get the bad pellets out? I think I have something stuck in my barrel. Got the magazine out but now the action won’t close.
  8. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    I have 2 things going for me on that front. My 6’4 o line playing 16 year old son And i worked at a deer processor on and off over the years. Theres pics of me processing 2 deer in this thread.
  9. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    I have already purchased a compressor for the .22 I have coming. I have all but given up on PB rifles and hunting PCPs came to my attention. The difference in recoil feel is really interesting and it’s clear, I need to feel it on my own. Apparently 912 Airguns is close by. Just have to try...
  10. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    Sorry to hear of your wreck. I’ve broken many a collar bones doing mini racing. They are awful! Check on AC separation too, that likes to rear its ugly head if you aren’t careful and gets worse over time without recognition and rehab. DO THE REHAB. Use the correct muscle groups annd correct...
  11. Ohlookasquirrel

    Seneca/Sam Yang Desperate need of an effective arrow target that my .45 909 won't blow through

    I’ve had lots of luck with shooting old motorcycle jackets packed in pallet wrapped boxes. The combo of non Newtonian principled armor, aramids, and plastic wrap preserved the bolts by basically providing a multi density random energy dispersion model. But it was a fun fundraiser that I would...
  12. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    Or a quick flight. 🤔 Didn’t know they would let me try before I buy!
  13. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    This is fascinating and makes me very hopeful. A push versus kick makes a huge difference in my mind. i can shoot a .45 pistol pretty easily because the ‘kick’ energy doesn’t hit the same as a rifle. But a push versus kick could be where the magic is. Thank you! Any chance you’re in the south east?
  14. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    Different angles cause the instability for example - I can do pushups. (It isn’t pretty but that’s not because of my shoulder). I can do a flexed arm hang. with recoil, the ball is pushed out of the joint posteriorly. Anterior dislocations are few and far between (I saved myself from falling...
  15. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    Air bows are allowed, in primitive season IIRC. That said, I’ve read there’s quite a few failures in the arrows which is what deterred me. Heard a few horror stories, any truth to that? Again, I don’t know what I don’t know.
  16. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    i wish, I can do some things right handed, but I’m more worthless shooting right handed than I would be with only one arm. My brain doesn’t send or receive messages correctly when I tried extensively in the past. At nearly 40, and maybe a few too many motorcycle wrecks, the plasticity needed to...
  17. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    This is like comparing dancing en pointe to bench press PRs. I can dance a romantic solo for 10 mins 90% en pointe. It doesn’t mean I can bench 200 lbs and I would be willing to bet that just because you can bench big numbers that you definitely cannot dance on 2 toes for any kind of period of...
  18. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    I’ve looked for a club, not looking like I’ll have much luck. Georgia doesn’t seem to have a bunch of enthusiasts outside only Unicoi but that also seems like it’s feeble.
  19. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    Yup, I figure I will need to be in a deerstand mansion or something similar.
  20. Ohlookasquirrel

    Other Newbie first post -with a lame shoulder, is there hope for me to hunt deer?

    I should probably clarify When I say .22 center fire, I mean like little 50 grain rounds (hornet or similar LR). I can put a hundred rounds through a .22 rimfire and then I just get fatigued from aiming.