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  1. C

    Someone talk me out of this…

    Similar issues with the weak spring can't rotate the 480 gr .58 slug around so I shot it dry twice as two were not able to spring into place
  2. C

    Someone talk me out of this…

    Actually my ex wife F
  3. C

    Are all the Hatsan Blitz problems fixable?

    I am fairly new to the pcp party lol. But I have blitz .30 and clean the barrel often enough and when I do the very end of the barrel feels like it's tighter than the rest of the barrel like just at the tip when pulling the dry patch out it basically feels like it's tight and one time even...
  4. C

    AEA megalodon

    Well hopefully u purchased it by now but I'll answer the first thought everyone has is it worth it?? YES IT IS ! I got mine a couple weeks ago in the .58 22" and it's like a cannon . It's so powerful and u get that feeling in ur gut that goes holy poop this mother ****er is bad asssss...
  5. C

    AEA megalodon

    Thanks brother
  6. C

    AEA megalodon
