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    FX Rear air leak

    I have removed the tungsten hammer and fitted a 7.4 gram hammer. Shooting 25 grain slugs at 984 fps
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    FX Rear air leak

    What I have noticed is, that it is only leaking air when the valve is opened past 4 lines, and only after you fired a shot pulling the cocking lever back. Once you push the cocking lever forward the leak stops Once you close the valve let's say to line 3 (where my tune is hammer on 12/micro on...
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    FX Rear air leak

    Thanks. It was leaking since day one, when i started to tune the gun. Didn't hear any popping noise at that time.
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    FX Rear air leak

    Hi. Yes if you hold the cocking lever back you can see the Bottle pressure gauge dropping. Once you push the cocking lever forward the leak stops. This only happens when you turn the valve open and after a shot has been fired
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    FX Rear air leak

    Good day I need some advice please. I bought a new Fx impact 700mm .22 m3 fitted with a slug liner and slug kit (pinprobe/tungsten hammer and lighter valve return spring) The 1st reg is on 150 bar and the 2nd reg on 108 bar. Shooting 25 grain 218 H&N slugs 984 fps and grooping is very good at...
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    FX Slight air leak at the rear (magazine area/back of power block)

    Good day I need some advice please. I bought a new Fx impact 700mm .22 m3 fitted with a slug liner and slug kit (pinprobe/tungsten hammer and lighter valve return spring) The 1st reg is on 150 bar and the 2nd reg on 108 bar. Shooting 25 grain 218 H&N slugs 984 fps and grooping is very good at...